<p>ralph4^ So glad to hear that your son is doing well and on track to graduate after one more year. Good for him (and you!) I am of course happy to hear that he is still happy with the MatE major and I hope my son likes it too! How nice for your son to have an internship this summer. Those types of experiences are what Cal Poly is supposed to be so good at getting for its students. I hope your son is able to get a job after he graduates. I hope you will keep me posted on that!</p>
<p>Congratulations to son#2 for sticking with his first major and getting to change into the one he wanted (csc). I am sure that will help him to improve his grades. It is always a bit easier when you are happy with what you are doing and see a goal in front of you.</p>
<p>Thanks for the well wishes for my son. I am excited for him to get started and to see what he thinks of CP and MatE. I hope the beginning class gives him a little glimpse of the major. </p>
<p>Enjoy the last few weels with your boys at home!</p>