<p>Well this is my first post, glad I came b ythis site. This site really makes me feel like home in knowing theres people like me , with same questions and same interests and future goals . </p>
<p>My main quesiton ...... </p>
<p>I desperately want to transfer from my univeristy here in Flroida into one up north ?? I want tobe realistic on what would be my chances at a good school . </p>
<p>I been looking a lot into Villanova and that is seriously my top choice to trasnfer out this being my 2 semester as sophmore . What would be my chances there with me having a 3.0 GPA ....... Back in highschool I took everything not serious and I had a very poor Gpa and Sat's score but now being in college I have woken up and have a 3.0 gpa ..... </p>
<p>What schools would I have a chance with that score ? ....... Will applying as a sophmore help any with the # of seats ??? </p>
<p>If not recommend me of other schools up north </p>
<p>Looking into transfering as general studies (higher chance of acceptance)</p>
<p>Looking into Business and Political science programs </p>
<p>SUNY Plattsburgh (in upstate New York) is actually very good for a SUNY school, and you'd probably get in... with your GPA, as long as your HS GPA isn't too shabby</p>
<p>I graduated in 03' woudl they acutally consider my highschool GPA B/C ITS very poor ...... </p>
<p>lets be realistic would I have any chance at Villanova ??</p>
<p>You got to be kiddkin me if Pltasburg is only my choice :( jsut looked at it and is mostly people who pllay there are from comunity college or their Associates degree</p>
<p>Um... no, Plattsburgh's average HS Gpa is a 3.3-3.5, its moderately difficult to get into and its a four year school, what are you talking about?</p>
<p>SUNY Binghamton is very difficult to get into, is apparently prestegious
SUNY Stony Brook supposedly has the best campus
I don't really know about the others</p>
<p>No, there's a lot of schools, you just have to look - collegeboard.com, collegeview.com, petersons.com all have pretty good college search functions, but don't weigh to heavily on their admission's statistics, most of them are wrong - go straight to the schools' websites for more acurate stats.</p>
<p>and my top choice is Villanova , but it seems it might be out of my legue realistically :( , especially after logging here i nthis message board and looking into incmoing freshmens applying there...... </p>
<p>I have also looked into
<p>Im also leaning towards ST johns , is that a good choice and also is it realistic with my status..... </p>
<p>Im mostly looking also into maybe other colleges which might not be that commercialized like this ones but be as well to their top level.</p>
<p>I just say go ahead and apply to whatever schools your looking at, the worst that happens is that you'll lose your application fee. I'm applying to NYU but I'm certain I don't have a chance of getting in, but I figure what's the worst that can happen? I'll just reapply next year.</p>
<p>So just go ahead and apply. Plus the people's stats on here are pretty exceptional, and I'm fairly sure some people are exaggerating a bit.</p>
<p>I think with a 3.0 you have a good shot at most SUNY Schools. Ithaca and St. Johns also. With a good enough essay, you could probably even get into binghamton. I don't recommend stony brook, but it does have a decent rep and you could prob get in.</p>
<p>I highly suggest that you don't take all that they say here concerning your GPA and chances as gosple: there have been instances where GPA's, as yours, are accepted. </p>
<p>What other unique charastics do you have? If you have something truly unique about yourself, you do stand a chance in regards to the higherlevel schools.</p>