Hi, I’m currently a freshman at UCSD and would really love some advice…I was admitted on an academic scholarship that requires a 3.5 GPA to maintain. I’m in Warren and a chemical engineering major, and I’m also required to stay in engineering to keep the scholarship. I’m very nervous about losing it because of the GPA requirement. Is there anyone who could possibly shed some light on this issue? How feasible is a 3.5 in engineering at UCSD? Should I take some easier ‘fluff’ classes each quarter to help my GPA?
Study really hard, make friends with TAs, go to office hours.
Perhaps cry to the professor if you lose too many scores in a class, I heard this work for some professor.
INVESTIGATE! before you take any course.
Don’t act like someone who took CHEM 40A(thought that should be a easy lower division) and CHEM 7L(thought that is a primary school demonstration) in the very first quarter, and ended up with a B.
By the way, I am from Warren, too. I heard WCWP 10 series are really hard to get an A.
Hope those help.