gpa confusion

<p>my school, like many others in canada, doesn't use gpa... we use to percentages on our transcripts.... i went on princeton review's gpa converter, which said that 95%+ is 4.0........... but in province, 90%+ is 4.0.... when applying to the states, which should i use to convert my gpa??</p>

<p>you shouldn’t concern yourself with scaling</p>

<p>U.S. schools also have that /100 scale. You should just report your 95% “gpa,” and your school will send the official transcript. Admissions officers will interpret the results according to their own system.</p>

<p>This is primarily in place because every school weighs gpas different. For example, my school weighs Ap courses +.4 on the 4.0 scale, but my friend’s school weights Ap courses +2.0…Therefore she has like…a 4.7 GPA while I have a 4.1…but we take essentially the same courses.</p>