GPA for IB?

I go to a super tough IB school overseas, and will apply to college in USA. The GPA scale here is really tough. For example, a 99-100 is only considered A+. 96-98 is an A. Anything lower than a 94 is a B or below. I currently have a 92 average. At an american school, with a 92 average i would be a straight A student. (I don’t have a single grade below 90 too). But here technically i only have 2 A’s and all the rest are Bs. It really scares me because the fact that my 92s are considered Bs lowers my GPA. In an average public school I’d have somewhere near a 3.8, but here i have a 3.5. Will this affect my college admissions at all?

Depends on the college, often they recalculate GPA using their own methods anyway.

I thought IB schools graded on a 1-7 system.
What you should do is have your guidance counselor (or somebody official at school) send in the school profile what the grading scale is.

@bopper: GPA’s are based on grades in your classes (IB included). However you get a separate grade from 1-7 for each of your IB classes and those number just determine if you receive a diploma or not.

Your counselor should send your school’s grading system with the school report, so colleges would know about the differences in grading at your school.

Does your transcript show letter grades (is A, B, C…) or percentages?

Keep in mind that your GPA will be evaluated in context with your school’s grading system and your class rank.