GPA for Ivy's or any other good schools.

<p>Can you have anything below a B....?</p>

<p>Because i'm doing horrible in literature.....</p>

<p>I am very strong in math and science but literature is always screwing me over.</p>

<p>I currently have around 3.73 GPA and lit..... </p>

<p>EVERYTHING ELSE, i have an A... Why am i so crappy in lit....</p>

<p>Am i screwed for life...?</p>

<p>is it a permanent damage to me..?</p>

<p>I am planning on to apply to MIT, Princeton, Brown and Stanford for engineering....</p>

<p>sigh. lit...........</p>

<p>If you get even ONE C or below, you automatically can’t get into the Ivy League or any top colleges. It is a rule of thumb. Off the list automatically if you get a C:</p>

University of Michigan
UC Berekly
MiddleBury College
Williams College
Lots more.</p>

<p>Several good Universities will still accept ONE C.
UC Riverside
UC Merced
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Iowa?
Those are the four best. Some other UCs might still accept it, I’ve heard there is around a 50/50 chance with them.</p>

<p>^^ that is hilariously not true… it might hurt your application - but its not automatic … was that (“If you get even ONE C or below, you automatically can’t get into the Ivy League or any top colleges.”) serious or no - i cant really tell</p>

<p>saugus lol really? and what do you think your gpa should be to get into a top school like princeton (on 100 pt scale)</p>

<p>Senior from my school last year got into Harvard with a C-something in calc at the time.</p>

<p>aahahaha, Saugus.</p>

<p>but seriously dtpride, one C will not kill you in one fell swoop. there are several ways to rescue your chances! you could do well on the lit SAT or the SAT CR section if you can. in some ways, you can prepare for these more than a lit class because the SAT’s are objective vs. the typical subjectivity of a lit class.
or you could always write a note to the colleges you’re applying to explaining WHY you’ve always struggled in lit (maybe have a guidance counselor throw in a few words about this, too).
anyways, good luck and NO, anything below a B does not automatically kill you!</p>

<p>im got into cornell engineering with a 3.5 uw gpa</p>

<p>and 2 Cs</p>

<p>they can look over the Cs</p>

<p>especially if it is in something that doesnt matter much for your area of study (I got Cs in english and spanish, but im studying engineering)</p>

<p>Not true about ‘Standford’… I had a friend get in EA who got a D in Spanish. Nobody knows how…</p>

<p>maybe it has to do with how competitive your school is. Two years ago someone at my school got into standford political science major RD. got a B in calc then Standford took back the offer. she was a straight A student before, so i dont know how much that mattered. but i think more importantly, if you are really outstanding in other areas (I mean really really), they might overlook that.</p>

<p>That’s true. Don’t have anything less than straight “A’s” on your transcripts. Sometimes, the “B’s” do come in. So be careful. If you get ONE grade that is a “D”, that’s a deathnote towards your chances of getting into the top tier colleges.</p>

<p>“someone at my school got into standford”</p>

<p>Standford, huh? Is this some new university?</p>

<p>YO MAN, I wanna go to Standford. It’s almost as good as Smogon University for the “graphic arts”</p>

<p>“StanDford” = Standing room only for Stanford. Comes after normal admissions. It’s like auditing a full class. You just sort of stand around at the back of the lecture hall, not guaranteed a seat.</p>

<p>well, my GPA is a 4.0, my SAT is 2400, my SAT II’s’ are 800 Math IIC, 800 Biology M, 800 Chemistry, 800 Physics, 800 Literature, 800 World History. I’m a Nobel Laureate, winner of Intel Talent Search, Gold medals at IBO, IPhO, ICO, IMO. I’m applying to the University of Alaska to study polarbearology.</p>

<p>^ Will you be able to see Russia from your house?</p>