<p>Can you post GPA/SAT if you've heard back EA even if deferred? My son wants to go here when he graduates next year and just trying to see what his chances might be. Also, are you chances better to get in EA or why did you decide EA vs. RD? Thanks.</p>
<p>i got accepted EA. My gpa is 3.84. weighted and about 3.74 unweighted.
Its definitely harder to get in EA (thats probably true at most places since it’s not binding). A lot of people get deferred, but it even says on the website about 50% who get deferred eventually get in. But its still nice to know soon! That was really what made me want to do EA. If JMU is your son’s top choice, I don’t see why he shouldn’t apply early.</p>
<p>Accepted EA 4.5 weighted 3.94 unweighted 2110 SAT 31 ACT</p>
<p>Deferred 3.56 GPA 1950 SAT</p>
<p>I’ve learned that JMU places HUGEEEEEEE emphasis solely on GPA, especially for Early Action.</p>
<p>3.72, but its going down since i was diagnosed with senioritis</p>
<p>95.34/100 weighted, 27 ACT</p>
<p>accepted ea 3.6 w, 3.1 nw… 1270/1910 sats</p>
<p>haha im with you DU50. </p>
UW gpa: 3.32 W gpa: 4.34 SAT 2040 (1360 M & V) ACT: 30 9 AP’s
DEFERRED (anybody else find this kinda wierd?)</p>
<p>haha i am also with DU50… i got in with a 3.8 weighted GPA…so its weird the person above me got deffered…maybe my unweighted GPA is higher then the persons above me but i am not sure since i dont know my unweighted gpa</p>
<p>Accepted EA-
3.97 GPA</p>
<p>DS accepted with 3.87 GPA, 1460 SAT I & II, 2130 SAT overall, in-state.</p>
<p>Accepted, 3.72 and a 1510/2400 SAT…i know im shocked to i got in, im out of state also</p>
<p>In-State – Deferred – 3.0 GPA at the community college – 1440 / 2400 SAT</p>
<p>My dd has been homeschooled her entire life. Began taking classes at the cc at 15. She’s completed 26 credits so far. </p>
<p>We’re really hoping she’s accepted April 1st!!! JMU is the only college ‘worth leaving home for’, as she put it – otherwise, she’ll just continue at the cc and complete her AA degree; then she has guaranteed admission to JMU. But we’re still hoping for April!</p>
<p>Accepted EA (posted online 1/13)
GPA 3.33.W
White Male from NJ
Very good EC’s</p>
<p>accepted EA
3.67 w gpa
sat 1300/1980
<p>Accepted EA
3.7 UW GPA
27 ACT (30 ACT in Dec…directly sent to JMU–not sure if this was factored)
Lots of EC’s
Female from VA</p>
<p>From what I’ve seen…
Lots of OOS students got in early action (especially from the NY/NJ area)
MALES!!! Especially at my school…lots of males were selected over females when stats were almost identical.</p>
<p>My D oos (NY) and was accepted EA with a 3.6 GPA. Leadership EC’s but I think her essay and her teacher recs helped her a great deal.</p>
<p>funny, at my school it was an overwhelming majority of females that got accepted EA, including some with same/worse stats than those who were deferred. the only people at my school who got deferred were guys (maybe guys are just more stupid haha). </p>
<p>i expect that for RD a huge majority of acceptances will be from in-state kids.</p>
<p>(maybe guys are just more stupid haha)…ouch, no but i noticed that to, and i got accepted OOS and im a guy. My stats werent superior either for JMU. I guess they must have liked my EC’s and essay and GPA more than the SAT score, which i didnt even break 1000 haha</p>
<p>My daughter was accepted out-of-state. She has a 3.45 unweighted GPA. Her school does not weight for honors courses, but she took many honors courses and 3 AP courses. Played several varsity sports and had a combined SAT score of 2000/2400.</p>