<p>I currently have a 4.0 weighted GPA and a 3.75 unweighted GPA which is decent to the standards of some. Then I have a 1020 on the SAT and a 22 on the ACT, which isn’t too great if I want to be competitive for an appointment to USAFA. I know I still have plenty of time to improve, but its just bothering me that I do perfectly fine in all my honors courses(A’s) but I haven’t yet achieved high scores on the SAT or ACT. Ive taken the SAT twice but the ACT only one time. I know test scores aren’t everything but if a candidate that has the same ECs and sports as I do but a higher SAT score, then he will mostly likely receive the appointment. The Air Force Academy is the only place for me and I don’t want to go to a normal college just so I can party and take the “easy way out” (no offense to the non-service academy grads). I know im sort of rambling on but my question is…</p>
<p>Will the Academy see my GPA and the many honors courses I am taking and sort of “disregard” my test scores and look at my extra curriculars/sports to see that I am qualified?</p>
<p>What class year are you? I get the impression you are not a Sr. right now, right? </p>
<p>The easiest answer is to get SAT/ACT test prep books etc… and practice and re-take the test. It is not uncommon to hear of candidates having taken the SAT/ACT 5 or 6 even 7 times. Take both several times. Not only will it increase your score (most people improve with each taking) but it will also show that you are dedicated to getting the best score possible. Since the SAs superscore, you have nothing to loose. So - if you are not a current senior, take the test(s) over & over again. Your score needs to be higher to be competitive. Do your best to get into the 600’s in both Math & Eng and then when you achieve that goal, aim for 650. If you are not a senior, you have time. So go get study books or sign up for a class and buckle down and study for the test. Take it early and take it often is a frequent practice of SA candidates! Good luck.</p>
<p>Do you have something that can help you look great (like CAP, JROTC, Scouts,etc.)? I didn’t do any of them and wasn’t really interested, but if you have something special that you’re a big part of and good at, that can help a lot.
But I would still take the SAT more, the mean SAT score is 1290 (I believe). Just keep working on the “whole” aspect (physical, academic, leadership, spiritual, etc.). ;)</p>
<p>no, they won’t completely disregard your test scores.</p>
<p>yes, they’ll look at your classes, but do what moh says.</p>
<p>sat/act are standardized. since class difficulties vary by schools or even teachers, standardized tests are important because they are the same for everyone. if you struggle, keep studying and retaking! :)</p>
<p>that being said, some people are really bad test takers. the academy’s not going to lock you out because you aren’t stellar on the tests if you’re taking hard classes, doing well, and padding your resume with good ec’s.</p>
<p>keep trying, but make sure you’re taking those hard classes and getting involved in your community. good luck! :)</p>
<p>Yes, i am a junior and i will be taking the test several more times. I am a member of CAP and the national honor society. I’m trying to get leadership positions but sometimes it doesn’t work out. I have 90+ hours of volunteering not including CAP and NHS, I’m a student pilot and I’m still working on my private pilots liscense, I participate in student government(ran for VP of junior class) and SADD club. I also play varsity football (basically a year round sport lol) and i work at an auto body shop. My dad is a grad of usafa and is still in the Air Force after 29 years.</p>
<p>As for the tests i have all the prep books I need and I am tutored a couple times each week on the SAT and/or ACT. My scores actually went up from the first time I took it as a Sophomore for 880 to 1020. Hopefully this is a continuing trend.</p>
<p>Ok. sounds familiar to me I took the SAT for the first four times and got a 510 on math and eventually low 600’s on everything else. On the fifth time, it jumped from 510 to 630. KEEP PRACTICING. when it seems like it isn’t working, keep going. I did CAP and that jazz so those credentials that YOU have look great but as far as test scores, just keep trying. take the test every month (if you can afford to) GOOD LUCK</p>
<p>I also think USAFA takes your best scores from each section. Overall my ACT improved the second time I took it, but if you used my scores from the two times I took it, my composite went up again by a point.</p>
<p>Truth. Standardized tests are the great equalizer, which is why they’re so important. Course rigor and grading can vary wildly from one school to the next, but everyone takes the same SAT/ACT. It’s a way for the Academy, or any other college for that matter, to compare you to other applicants objectively and without bias.</p>
<p>Thanks for all your help guys. I will be taking the ACT asap because the first time i really didnt have a feel for the test. I remember my counselor saying that if you take the SAT more than 3 times colleges in general look down upon it, i didnt think that was the case for
<p>Haha…well he said he wont do anything to get me in and im going to trust that. So as long as I don’t have an appointment to USAFA I’m going work as hard, if not harder, than those who arent military dependents.</p>