GPA weighting

<p>Okay, so, basically, at my school, they do not weigh into our GPA (and subsequently our class rank) Honors courses. My counselor recommended that I weigh my GPA out on my resume that I am attaching to my application. </p>

<p>She advised not to give any sophomore level classes (ie, Honors English 10, Honors European History) a ranking on a 5 scale. I know that's how they do it in California and for the UCs andwhatnot, but I wasn't sure if this held true on the East Coast / for Ivies, just because it sounded weird. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any advice? I would really like to weigh in my honors courses because I have a whole lot of them (my school's APs and scheduling conflicts make classes difficult to get into, if they exist at all).</p>

<p>You can't make up a WGPA based on your own scale. Many high schools have different systems. You use whatever GPA (unweighted or weighted) your school gives you, unless the college specifies that they want your GPA to be calculated their way.</p>

<p>my counselor recommended i re-weight my GPA.</p>