<p>Okay, so, basically, at my school, they do not weigh into our GPA (and subsequently our class rank) Honors courses. My counselor recommended that I weigh my GPA out on my resume that I am attaching to my application. </p>
<p>She advised not to give any sophomore level classes (ie, Honors English 10, Honors European History) a ranking on a 5 scale. I know that's how they do it in California and for the UCs andwhatnot, but I wasn't sure if this held true on the East Coast / for Ivies, just because it sounded weird. </p>
<p>Does anyone have any advice? I would really like to weigh in my honors courses because I have a whole lot of them (my school's APs and scheduling conflicts make classes difficult to get into, if they exist at all).</p>