Graded essay query

Generally and anecdotally speaking, what do schools prefer to look at for the graded essay (if they have a preference)? My options include a pretty lengthy (10 pages MLA format) narrative, one which I worked hard on but isn’t very structured versus normally structured five paragraph essays (on the etymology of my name, hero’s journeys, book reports, etc.)? I honestly feel that both options are just about equal in terms of quality/the grade given, so I was curious as to whether or not people had any advice. I asked my English teacher, but she didn’t really have much to say on the matter. Thank you in advance, and have a good day!

@Caratastrophe - I wouldn’t send in that 10 page essay - think a brief one should be OK L-)

@Caratastrophe I would have to agree with @golfgr8 - schools want a snapshot of who you are and how you write.

Structured five paragraph paper in MLA format worked fine for CaliKid.

They want a graded paper (and not just another essay) because they want to gauge how easy or hard it is to earn an “A” and the degree of feedback on the paper.

The AO at one school told us that one to two page graded essay would be fine- she told that she prefers not to have more than that :)] appreciated her answering that question for us during the Ten School event!