<p>At a party the other night I was talking to a couple of UVA grads who told me that their GPAs went progressively downhill with each year. Another friend of ours has a kid w/ the same experience. OTOH, I have always heard that as kids get acclimated that their average tends to go up. Does anyone know of any actual data which shows the breakdown over the 4 years?</p>
<p>Never mind! I found it in the institutional data set. FYI- in case some of you are interested- In general there is very little change over the years.</p>
<p>The 2009 class of 1st years is the only class that had more than a tenth of a point difference between any year, and they improved from a 2.999 to a 3.237. Most classes were within hundredths</p>
<p>Does anyone know what the approximate median GPA is at UVA for the college? I know if anything they have grade deflation. What does it take in terms of GPA to graduate with some type of honors assuming other requirements are met (like thesis etc)?</p>
<p>Many years ago, I went to law school at Duke when it had a 2.7 median and the teachers graded on a strict bell curve so that for every 4.0 there was a 1.4. To give you an idea re the GPA there, frosh year my 3.25 was good enough to grade onto the Duke Law Journal. About 15 years ago Duke woke up to the fact that this grading policy was hurting its applicants going for top jobs/clerkships and changed it so that everyones’ gpa went up 4/10’s of a point.</p>
[Data</a> Digest: Institutional Assessment and Studies, University of Virginia](<a href=“http://avillage.web.virginia.edu/iaas/instreports/studentdata.shtm]Data”>http://avillage.web.virginia.edu/iaas/instreports/studentdata.shtm)</p>
<p>[All</a> About Your Academic Record: University Registrar at the University of Virginia](<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/registrar/acadrecord.html]All”>http://www.virginia.edu/registrar/acadrecord.html)
Phi Beta Kappa hovers around 3.8</p>
<p>3.8 for seniors, though, right? Isn’t it somewhere around a 3.94-4.0 for juniors?</p>
<p>I received PBK as a junior last year with a 3.954. Remember faculty recommendation also plays a role with PBK nomination. I know a couple folks who had GPAs higher than mine but did not get the nod. </p>
<p>In terms of GPA going up and down throughout college, it depends on the student. If you find something you really like and excel at to major in, your GPA will go up. If you flit around taking random intros (which are harder than a fair amount of upper levels) and/or end up pursuing something that is not your strong suit (like staying in engineering when you shouldn’t), your GPA will likely go down. Common sense but true.</p>
<p>I had wondered why I hadn’t gotten PBK, and then realized when I looked it up that you had to take some certain distribution of classes to even be eligible. Oh well, totally worth abusing Echols to get out of all humanities/language requirements!</p>
<p>This isn’t useful data but personally my cumulative GPA was monotonically increasing from semester to semester</p>