<p>When I applied to UMCP I had a 3.7 UW GPA on my transcript.
This year has been really tough, and I kind of burnt out due to various reasons, and my grades slipped.</p>
<p>1st semester I got 3.14 UW (only counting that semester) because I got a C in math and a bunch of B's and a couple of A's. </p>
<p>This semester, I'm anticipating on getting the same thing, a 3.14 UW, assuming I get a D in math, which I'm pretty sure I'm getting.</p>
<p>Will this drop in grades cause UMCP to rescind my admission, kick me out of honors (I'm doing the ILS program for honors), or take away my scholarship (Dean's scholarship)?</p>
<p>Edit: Are they looking at overall GPA, or will they see the D in math and freak out?</p>
<p>Also it's multivariable calc (calc III), so does that make a difference?</p>