Grades dropped; rescind admission, kick me out of honors, or take away scholarship?

<p>When I applied to UMCP I had a 3.7 UW GPA on my transcript.
This year has been really tough, and I kind of burnt out due to various reasons, and my grades slipped.</p>

<p>1st semester I got 3.14 UW (only counting that semester) because I got a C in math and a bunch of B's and a couple of A's. </p>

<p>This semester, I'm anticipating on getting the same thing, a 3.14 UW, assuming I get a D in math, which I'm pretty sure I'm getting.</p>

<p>Will this drop in grades cause UMCP to rescind my admission, kick me out of honors (I'm doing the ILS program for honors), or take away my scholarship (Dean's scholarship)?</p>

<p>Edit: Are they looking at overall GPA, or will they see the D in math and freak out?</p>

<p>Also it's multivariable calc (calc III), so does that make a difference?</p>

<p>None of the above. </p>

<p>They only ask for the final grades to make sure you passed and didn’t fail every class. If you’re in, you shouldn’t worry. No one really cares about your high school performance anymore.</p>