
<p>I am wondering how much do Soph year grades count if one is going to be applying to something like Harvard or Georgetown (SFS)? Say, 3 A-/A's, 1 B+, 1 B, and 1 B- (in Soph) and significantly better junior year (4 A-/A's, 1 B+, and either another B+ or a B). The B and B- in soph are in classes that I would not be majoring in (or ever interested in; aka math and science... I love history and languages, which are the A/A-'s). I am just wondering if those can be offset by a 2400, good APs and SAT IIs, and good ECs?</p>

<p>At Georgetown it's quite possible if you do get the 2400, 5's on APs, and excellent ECs to get an admission despite your grades; Harvard has so many applicants that have all of the above plus 4.0s that you'd have to get something REALLY stellar, and get all As senior year, to have a chance.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>^^ I doubt it. You have a good chance anywhere with strong ECs and essays. Make yourself stand out and you'll be fine. And yes, I realize it was probably sarcasm</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses. This is very promising...</p>

<p>hpandu--I was bein sarcastic about Gtown, but I think it's a little unrealistc to tell him/her s/he'll be fine at Harvard with those grades. They're not bad by any standards, not even Ivy, but just thinking about all the people s/he'll be competing with and all the CC people who got rejected I think it'll be tough to get in if s/he doesn't bump it up and stand out in some other extraordinary way.</p>

<p>But OP--I was kidding about Gtown. I think good SATs (you don't need a 2400 by any means!) and passing your APs (3+) should give you a good chance at a G'town spot. Though you'll also need some nice extracurriculars.</p>

<p>As for Harvard, you don't need to cure cancer or anything, but you need an EC/essay that will really make you stand out, and I mean REALLY.</p>

<p>Average GPA at Harvard is about a 3.92+ UW, while at Georgetown it's only about a 3.75 UW or so. Still you see the problem with having even one or two Bs over a three and a half year period. And keep in mind that all of these students are getting great test scores and doing phenomenal ECs in addition.</p>

<p>Also, understand that Harvard waitlists very few people because they expect almost everybody to attend, while Georgetown in a recent year waitlisted 1900 applicants--and accepted exactly 1 off of that waitlist. (Why they waitlist so many I have no idea!?!?)</p>

<p>your academics are all up there :) all that's left to think abt are your ECs!! how are they?</p>

<p>My ECs? I am actively involved in student gov't (and will probably be HS Prez and VP, which are big deals at my school and the last four HS Prezes have all gone to HYP), the head of my school's Democrats club, have a school political radio show, have worked on various Democratic campaigns in my homestate and am interning for my senator this summer, do Model UN (which my school is VERY good at), Model Congress, school newspaper, political newspaper, the HS plays, and was Grade Prez for 2 years. So I'd say my ECs are quite good.</p>