<p>I'm a current junior faring much better this year than in my sophomore year and I was wondering whether or not colleges will overlook it or see it as a sign of improvement. Also, I'm taking difficult classes senior year but I'm not sure if admissions will look at it?</p>
<p>If it helps, my parents are divorced; my father was jobless for a period of time and dropped out of community college, but my mother has a MA and earns $100K/year. I go to an average public school but I'm in an honors program.</p>
<p>I live in California and I'm Cambodian. As for extracurriculars, I'm in only 1 club (FIDM, which does community service but yeah I suck), but I served 150+ hours total.</p>
<p>I'm currently taking Japanese for school credit elsewhere and I plan on either getting a job OR taking a class or two at community college this summer.</p>
<p>I'm planning on majoring in int'l relations and political science.</p>
<p>9th- 3.83
10th- 3.33 UW, 3.43 W
11th (so far)- 3.83 UW, 4.1 W</p>
<p>I took 1 AP in 10th and 3 in 11th, although I am a teacher's aide (I'm taking intro to sociology next semester. Also, I have the choice of putting this class into my transcripts; will it be seen as more lazy if I omitted it, thus taking 6 classes instead of 7, or including it, which would lower my weighted GPA?)</p>
<p>Also, I'm planning on taking 5 AP classes next year and getting a B in regular Chinese (let's be real, I'm hella bad at Chinese), so my highest possible GPA for senior year is 4.57 W, 3.85 UW.</p>
<p>I'm also <em>hoping</em> to get at least a 700 on writing SAT, 660 reading, and 640 math. Will take at least 3 SAT IIs.</p>
<li>American University</li>
<li>George Washington</li>
<li>NYU (haha as if I can afford it)</li>
<li>UC Davis</li>
<li>UC San Diego</li>
<li>U of San Diego</li>
<p>Sorry if this was a bit wordy!! I'm new to CC and I appreciate any suggestions or comments!!</p>