Minority chances with a bad soph year?

<p>I'm a current junior faring much better this year than in my sophomore year and I was wondering whether or not colleges will overlook it or see it as a sign of improvement. Also, I'm taking difficult classes senior year but I'm not sure if admissions will look at it?</p>

<p>If it helps, my parents are divorced; my father was jobless for a period of time and dropped out of community college, but my mother has a MA and earns $100K/year. I go to an average public school but I'm in an honors program.</p>

<p>I live in California and I'm Cambodian. As for extracurriculars, I'm in only 1 club (FIDM, which does community service but yeah I suck), but I served 150+ hours total.</p>

<p>I'm currently taking Japanese for school credit elsewhere and I plan on either getting a job OR taking a class or two at community college this summer.</p>

<p>I'm planning on majoring in int'l relations and political science.</p>

<p>9th- 3.83
10th- 3.33 UW, 3.43 W
11th (so far)- 3.83 UW, 4.1 W</p>

<p>I took 1 AP in 10th and 3 in 11th, although I am a teacher's aide (I'm taking intro to sociology next semester. Also, I have the choice of putting this class into my transcripts; will it be seen as more lazy if I omitted it, thus taking 6 classes instead of 7, or including it, which would lower my weighted GPA?)</p>

<p>Also, I'm planning on taking 5 AP classes next year and getting a B in regular Chinese (let's be real, I'm hella bad at Chinese), so my highest possible GPA for senior year is 4.57 W, 3.85 UW.</p>

<p>I'm also <em>hoping</em> to get at least a 700 on writing SAT, 660 reading, and 640 math. Will take at least 3 SAT IIs.</p>

<li>American University</li>
<li>George Washington</li>
<li>NYU (haha as if I can afford it)</li>
<li>UC Davis</li>
<li>UC San Diego</li>
<li>U of San Diego</li>

<p>Sorry if this was a bit wordy!! I'm new to CC and I appreciate any suggestions or comments!!</p>


<p>Just curious, did you run into these issues throughout sophomore year? I couldn’t tell. I may be wrong, but it might be better a explanation of your grades if your hardships occurred within the same time frame because your freshman grades look fine. I can’t honestly say anything without SAT scores, but I would say a 2000 would suffice for maybe Davis and USD and possibly UCSD (I don’t know about the rest). You’d also need to aim a bit higher for a solid shot at GU/USC, maybe 2100-2200. Also, I suggest you get more involved in clubs/programs etc., community service might not cut it because practically everyone does community service now. Consider becoming an officer or board member or whatever leadership position they have at your school clubs. </p>

<p>Good luck on your SATs and keep up the good grades!</p>

<p>@bonsly Yes, I had a bunch of weird issues going on sophomore year and I’ll ask my counselor how I could explain them to colleges when the time comes. I’ll definitely make more of an effort to get more involved in the school, then, as well. Thank you very much for your input!!</p>