<p>Is there a way to look up your grades from home?</p>
<p>Nope. Just put it out of your mind until you’re back on the hill.</p>
<p>wait til u get back, then CAMIS will crash, then once it comes back you can find out. lol</p>
<p>ahhhh who’s really wondering about grades now? </p>
<p>sure, the folks wanna know, but geeez… get awaaay from the hill! lol</p>
<p>i wanted to know, but i went to Navy so i can access my grades :)</p>
<p>so i know how well i did at navy</p>
<p>Just for sh** & giggles, how well did you do at Navy?</p>
<p>do some professors curve grades at the academy? does a curve even exist?</p>
<p>Absolutely. Getting a 30-50% on a GR in certain classes (read: chem & physics) can sometimes earn you a B.</p>
<p>And you can also get an “A minus” for a final grade.</p>
<p>Different departments have different rules. Management requires certain percentages of students to fall into grade brackets, so they adjust the ‘curve’ in order to do that. Others, like chemistry, use a contract grading system where a grade is based on the percent with no curve involved (RE: 83+=A, 80-82=A-, etc.).</p>
<p>Some departments do “semi-contract” grading. They use the 90-80-70-60 system, except sometimes a point or two will be given the next grade up (i.e. an 88 can sometimes be an A-).</p>
<p>I know I have seen this data somewhere before, but what is the average GPA (just grades) of the cadet wing?</p>
<p>Somewhere between a 2.8 and a 3.0, last I recall.</p>
<p>noting that 2012 has one of the best average GPAs after the first prog (first half of the semester) in decades… haha. who knows what it’ll be like after the semester. got an email from my academic advisor sayin congrats on deans list, so that’s good</p>
<p>congrats, hneedle :)</p>
<p>congrats hneedle, now help your classmates :D</p>
<p>congrats HNeedle.</p>
<p>I might add, they changed the curriculum a LOT after 2010. No offense to anyone, but the chemistry courses were dumbed down and two engineering classes combined to take away a potential grade knocker (CE210). A lot of modifications were made after 2010 had such problems (as well as 2009). Enjoy that you can reap the rewards of our screw-ups. ;)</p>
<p>yay for dumbed-down chem next semester!!! :D</p>
<p>hahaha that’s right. chem will still kill me. </p>
<p>i might add, i think i had a really easy first semester… spring will tell a different story though.</p>
<p>yes, unfortunately they’re also considering changing the core physics curriculum.</p>
<p>That’s too bad, because I like going to classes where you’re extatic to get a 40 percent on a GR…So you guys should all take honors so you can experience it like we all did!</p>