<p>Hi, just wondering if you guys could break down my chances of going to Santa Barbara? I'm graduating in 2010, so here's my basic resume. </p>
<p>UC GPA (I calculated it) - 3.96
SAT - Math: 660 Writing: 620 Reading: 620 Total Score = 1900 (not too sure about the breakdown, my memory is kinda fuzzy, but I know I got a 1900)
SAT 2 - Math 2C: 650 US History: 690</p>
<p>I have taken a total of 4 AP classes: AP Euro, AP English and Comp, AP Biology, AP Art History, and am in the top 5% of my class.</p>
<p>For my senior year I am going to be taking another 4 more, to show that I am not slacking off.</p>
<p>I have over 130 hours of community service, and have taken 3 classes at a community college: Communications, Sociology, Anthropology, all 3 of which I received A's.</p>
<p>So just wondering what are my chances of making it next year? I know with the budget cuts and everything it'll be tougher for me to make it. I'm mainly targetting Irvine and Santa Barbra. Any feedback will really be appreciated. :)</p>
<p>u r going to be very close to getting in. i think u need to get ur sat up though to be sure.</p>
<p>Your’e pretty good just take the SAT one more time. I took mine twice and the second time I scored almost 200 points better than the first. Just take it again, all it can do is help, right?</p>
<p>Everything looks good. 1900 SATs are just barely above average, and 3.96 GPA is barely above average for this year. You stated that you’re top 5%, so you might as well try and get to be top 4% because ELC students have like a 95% chance of getting in middle-tier UCs regardless of test scores and EC(though they’d look at that to make sure its adequate, which yours are). Though, a problem is that UCSB tried to cut enrollment and instead increased. The yield rate for UCSB is usually calculated as 20% and I read somewhere it reached 23% for this year? Its in another thread in this section. So you can probably bet that admissions for next year would be quite a bit tougher. You seem like you have an amazingly great shot though, so best of luck to you!</p>
<p>the average santa barbara student had a 4.01 gpa and a 1900 sat. essentially, u r the average admitted student</p>
<p>I dont know how you plan on graduating in 2010, but your stats are definitely above average.
GPA: 3.93
SAT: 1863
[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_ucsb.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_ucsb.html)
Whether youre a transfer or a freshman id say youre in.</p>
<p>i think that you have a good chance</p>
<p>i got UCI and UCSB with a 3.86w( UC GPA) / 1920/ 780 math II / 770 Chem/ 5-5-5 in ap physics-chem-calc ab. </p>
<p>UCSB : chemE major
UCI : chemistry ( not my first choice of Computer science