Graduate w/ Honors (Transfer)

<p>I know it’s a little early to be thinking about this, but I’m wondering about graduating with honors as a transfer student.<br>
The UA Academic Records office states:</p>

<p>“At graduation, the Latin honors designations cum laude (3.5 GPA but less than 3.7 GPA), magna cum laude (3.7 GPA but less but less than 3.9 GPA), and summa cum laude (3.9 GPA or higher) based on the UA only institutional grade point average and a minimum of 45 UA semester hours distinguish students who have qualified in their academic divisions for these designations.”</p>

<p>So, am I reading this right that UA will only take into account my GPA from courses I take at UA, and not the GPA I transferred in with, in deciding on who graduates honors? </p>


<p>You are correct. They will only use UA courses when calculating if you graduate with honors.</p>