<p>what are all the grants, scholarships, financial aid???
Are all of these awards giving by the UC system that you do not have to pay back??</p>
<p>what are all the grants, scholarships, financial aid???
Are all of these awards giving by the UC system that you do not have to pay back??</p>
<p>UC Grant and some kinds of scholarship are given by UC. Pell Grant is given by Federal and Cal Grant is given by State.
We don't have to pay back if it is a Grant, and we have to pay back for Loan <-- for sure</p>
<p>thanks... is it hard to get grants as a transfer?</p>
<p>No, it just depends on your EFC and the school. Each school has it's own way of calculating your financial aid package. If you have a low EFC, you usually get some kind of grant.</p>
<p>you need to file out the Online financial Aid application by March 2 (if you didn't, contact the financial Aid office in your school to see if there is any other alternative), the other thing is your finanial need. Cal Grant is very easy to get if you are a low income student.</p>
<p>i had a questions, UCD gave me 5.5k loans, 13.5k grants (pell and university), and 2500 out of pocket.</p>
<p>the thing is, i will have a cal grant with around 8k coming in when i file the forms.</p>
<p>Will UCD use my Cal grant to cover my loan and out of pocket cost or Will they just reduce my University grant?</p>
<p>Would it be better to put the Cal Grant on hold for a year because I might want to take 3 years to graduate instead of 2 and I only have 2 years left on the Cal grant?</p>
<p>They will likely use the Cal grant to replace the university grant.</p>
<p>I guarantee they will not just add 2 grants together. One will be reduced when another is added.
it happened to me.</p>
<p>if i plan to study for 3 more years should i just put a hold on my cal grant and save it for my last two years?</p>