Graphic Design: NC State vs VCUArts

Youngest daughter just got accepted to every art & design program she applied to, which makes me really proud of her. She loves graphic design, but also has interest in digital arts and illustration. She absolutely despises anything related to math (her grades reflect this, and her engineer father has tried to remedy in the past, but has given up because the emotional toll is just too great).

Now we’re in the tough part of acceptance. Outside of SCAD (which was impressively organized and generous with the scholarships), we have not yet heard from all the schools regarding merit aid. We’re in the fortunate position to not have to worry much about tuition (although we wouldn’t turn down any offered merit aid), so that dimension will not dramatically feature into the final decision.

Of the schools she applied to, it really has come down to two: NC State Design and VCUArts.

Of all of our visits, I personally was impressed with NC State the most. Wonderful, exciting, and fun vibe that was palpable during our visit. Discussion with staff was impressive and I have little doubt that the students in the design program will be immediately placed in well-paying opportunities upon graduation. NC State has an exemplary national reputation as a solid engineering school (which admittedly influences me more than my daughter). Daughter likes it too, as she attended a 2week design camp over the summer. She made great friends there that she still stays in touch with, even though we live across the border in Virginia. Raleigh also appears to be a city going places, particularly with the dynamism of Research Triangle Park nearby.

Conversely, I must admit that I was not as taken with VCU. Not as organized, non-cohesive urban campus, very young admissions counselors for the art program that were not good at communicating employment outcomes upon graduation. Overall, I came away with a very negative vibe. Daughter, of couse, LOVES IT. Loves Richmond, loves the diversity of the campus, loves the “urban grunge”, loves the vastly greater number of classes in the art school, particularly in sculpture, printmaking, and glass. NC State cannot compare as far as the reach of art education to VCU.

She can see herself at both schools. She’s also a daddy’s girl, so I’ve no doubt my influence will pay a large role in her ultimate decision.

So I’m struggling: I think NC State Design was a better program for getting her a good paying job at the end. I also think VCUArts was a better program for overall arts education - just unimpressed at the program’s ability to provide any kind of statistics or employer list for their graduates.

I would welcome anyone’s experience of either of these programs.

I am not familiar with VCUArts but I can say that your assessment of NC State’s design program is spot on. It has long been a really stellar program with great placement results and seems to create a great, close-knit community among its students. I know several people who have gone through the program and had great internships during their time there and have done really well career-wise. Notably, they were able to find jobs in New York and Chicago immediately afterwards but ended up back in Raleigh as they started families, so transitioning to jobs outside of NC was not an issue for them. All of this said, there is nothing like loving the school and city where you are and feeling like you’ve found your people to motivate you to do great things and pursue great opportunities, so I can definitely see a reason for choosing VCU if she loves it more.

Thanks for your insight, it’s good to see that my impression of the program is actually manifested in great real world opportunities. Since our visits last year, I’ve asked our HR department to add NC State to our list of schools to recruit, I was that impressed.

But I’m still stuck with whether MY desires (get a good job from an impressive program on her own merits) should supersede HER desires (love the lifestyle and educational exposure to all aspects of art, not just graphic design).

Of course, I think I may already know the answer to this. I would love to hear from anyone regarding good post-graduation outcomes from VCU Arts.

It is definitely an all-around impressive school and they do a lot of things REALLY well, even things they aren’t known for (they’re known more for STEM/engineering, but actually have an incredible Creative Writing program with top-notch faculty).

With arts, it’s also important to keep in mind that you don’t HAVE to find work in that field to find a successful career. Students who are allowed to develop their passions often end up being successful at many different things they try because they know how to see projects through and are adept at taking their excitement and throwing themselves into what they are working on, finding creative solutions, etc. I have a coworker who studied painting in college but now has a job in higher ed that has nothing to do with art but has found she is super passionate about the work she is doing with students, and she has a good work-life balance that allows her to paint on the side and has become quite well-known locally and is able to sell her paintings at pretty high prices. It will never be her full-time job but she doesn’t regret spending those years honing her craft and making space for art in her life.

So, basically, I think your daughter will do great with either option!

That sounds great. Makes me wish I was an NC State alumnus myself!

I suspect (I know) her heart’s desire is VCUArts, so I’m going to save the second half of your last post for the future. It’s great advice. Hopefully, it will be unnecessary to share with her as she jets off to an incredible job, but if that’s not the case, it will be good guidance to follow.

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Thanks for this post! My daughter is in a similar situation. Fell in love w/ NC State after the precollege experience, felt like her vibe all around. Loves Raleigh. Accepted into GD at NC and VCUarts as well as others. Richmond checks off the box of diversity which she prefers, but the programs are different (more fine arts at VCU). One small factor to consider is that NC State is direct admit, whereas (I think) VCUarts freshman have to apply into their major as a sophomore. Two VCUArts grads we know did have initial difficulty with job placement, but were not GD majors. I do think there is more than one good fit for our students… and there is always grad school for the one not chosen! Let us know what she decides!

The direct admission is a great point, which we discussed in detail. She actually interpreted that as a performance filter for higher quality education at VCU. We accepted and paid the tuition deposit today. Hello Richmond!


Just seeing this thread. We were in the same boat last year, daughter is now a freshman at VCUarts. She LOVES it, could not have picked a better school for her. She is very happy, loves her classes, loves Richmond. Hoping you all have a great experience!

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