<p>I took the GRE in October of 2007, and just this morning called ETS to have my scores sent to various political science departments. I am wondering if these scores will make it in time for the Dec 15th deadline. </p>
<p>I've read how many times score reports take a month or so, but i figured a lot of this time has to do with grading of the analytical writing section. In my case grading isn't an issue, since I took the test last year. </p>
<p>Should I be worried that the schools won't receive my scores in time?</p>
<p>Call ETS and ask. You have made assumptions about why grade distribution takes the time their website states it will take, and they can tell you if your assumptions are correct.</p>
<p>yeah… I think the 1 month is just take it at least 1 month before the schools need the scores. I just ordered a report of my Dec 15 schools and it said allow 5 business days for processing (they said it’d be sent in 5 business days), so add another 3-5 business days for USPS and it should be there in 8-10 business days.</p>