Great Short Stories You Read As A Kid

<p>I'm doing a science fair (bleh!) project that deals with kids and learning and that kind of stuff. Basically, I'm going to test some kids on a short story that they are going to read. Problem is, I'm having trouble trying to choose a story. It needs to be decently easy, as in no kafka or those sorts of big wordy things (kids are grades 6-8), and captivating (no offense, but these are some pretty dumb kids). If you don't have any suggestions, you could comment on the list I have below (if you've read them) because I read these in hs and I'm not sure if they're grade level appropriate for the kids.</p>

<p>The Necklace
Harrison Begeron
The Cask of Amontillado
The Gift of the Magi</p>

Great Short Stories You Read As a Kid


"Galactic Astronomy"
"Intermediate Quantum Physics"
"Differential Calculus"
"How to get a Life: Volume I"</p>
