<p>So I thought that CGS Freshman have to read “The Painted Bird” by Kosinski, BUT I was just informed that it was changed EVEN THOUGH I have just finished reading it in an attempt to be well prepared. Does anyone know what book it is? I would love to know.</p>
<p>awh, shucks. whatever will you do.</p>
<p>thanks for the pointless response.</p>
<p>Eh, don't worry about it. Just check which new book you should get. No harm in reading a new book just for the hell of it.</p>
<p>Yeah it was a great book.</p>
<p>Don't worry about reading books early like that anyway. I know it feels like you are being diligent by doing it but, with all the close detailed analysis you will be doing, I think it would be detrimental to read so far ahead. You may not remember all the little details and nuances in the texts that you will need for analysis and writing papers.</p>
<p>Devilsule- I don't see how reading ahead is detrimental at all. </p>
<p>But don't make the assumption that since you read the book the summer before you won't need to re-read the book during the semester.</p>
<p>True, you can always reread it. I'm not sure what major you are in Aztec but in the upper level classes I had to take for my english minor, we had to anayze at such a detailed level that there was no way to remember the details if I had read it months in advance. But I guess it would be acceptable for a freshman level class.</p>
<p>SMG- no books for me.</p>
<p>I know what you are saying, and I don't think reading ahead is beneficial, but I still couldn't say it is detrimental.</p>
<p>You excited for Hockey?</p>