Greedy merit aid question

My son qualifies for the Presidential Scholarship and I think there is a good chance for NMF. I read on an old thread that Alabama often offers additional scholarships for students with 35 or 36 on the ACT. Is this still the case?

Not likely if they qualify for NMF. There may be possible additional scholarships based on other criteria.
How old is the thread you reference? I don’t consider it greedy, no one wants to leave monies on the table.

I have seen in the past nominal scholarships for a perfect ACT but I don’t think anyone can answer what will be awarded going forward.

Your son has made NMF. Rejection letters went out weeks ago.

What is your son’s major? With the NMF award, he could also get the Eng’g and CS award of 2500 per year. If he has a talent (debate, etc), he could get an award that way.

I’ve never seen a NMF get an add’l award for perfect ACT/SAT like I’ve seen non-NMFs get.

@mom2collegekids Not yet! He’s a junior with a 211 in Mississippi. According to the percentiles and past years he should have it, but the test likely has a strange non-bell distribution this year.

Ahh…next year!!! hope he gets good news in Sept

@mom2collegekids I think he will. I’ve look at the numbers pretty hard, even though they are really, really squirrely. And if not, the Presidential is still a fine deal. Of course, I’m the one looking hard at Alabama right now. He has his sights set on a school outside the South where I figure he has about a 25-40 percent chance of a full-tuition scholarship. He has not visited either school, though, save for a football game at Alabama a few years ago. We’re starting that in a couple of weeks.

Child 1 scored 36 on ACT (PSAT score was good, but not NMF in our state) and, to our surprise, received a letter in December offering free housing (not meals) freshman year, plus other benefits (some $ for expenses, $2K for study abroad, plus 1 or 2 other things). We were expecting the Presidential Scholarship because of GPA/test scores, but did not realize that a high ACT score would yield more than that. Not an engineering major.


Did the letter call the award the Presidential Elite Scholarship?

@PajarodelCampo That sounds similar to the current NMF package minus the additional year of tuition. Does it say 8 or 10 semesters of full tuition?

I went and checked the letter. Yes, mom2collegekids, it is called a Presidential Elite Scholarship, which I didn’t remember seeing on UA’s scholarship page. And, mrnostalgia, it is for 8 semesters (not 10) of full tuition. It was unexpected, as was, honestly, the ACT score.

It’s not listed on the scholarship page. Congrats