Greek Chic

<p>Leaving in 7 days with DD for move in and Sorority Recruitment and still haven’t received the Greek Chic manual. Has anyone gotten hers?</p>

<p>DD has not received hers either, but has viewed the online version as much as possible. She did however get the letter from the University over the weekend talking about the date change, recruitment schedule, etc. I thought maybe ours was just taking longer since we are on the west coast. Good luck. :)</p>

<p>It hasn’t made it to Colorado yet either … oh well. Luckily we had downloaded last year’s as a reference. At this point, it will be reading material on the drive south IF it arrives before we leave!</p>

<p>I hate to say this but this seems to be the IMO of Greek Chic every year. I am not sure what the problem or hold up is (I do know that with the reprinting this year it was a big set back) but every year it seems like forever before it comes out. When DD went through it was the end of July before we got our and I am sorry to say I just ket calling and asking. We ended up downloading it on a zip drive and taking it to Staples and they could actually only print about half but at that point it was god enough for us. Ours did end up arriving but it took a VERY long time!</p>

<p>Seems like they could mail the schedule later but release the chapter info and other pages sooner … it would keep the girls excited. (And give us moms something to read and reread!)</p>

<p>I suspected that everyone was in the same boat. Glad to hear it. I even went as far as to ask DD if she was SURE that she signed up for recruitment. At least with the computer age, we have all been able to see it in digital form. I thought about printing at Kinkos or Staples, but thought there may be copyrite problems.</p>

<p>Hasn’t been received yet in San Antonio either. The side notes for each house is a great addition, so I’m really hoping it comes before we begin our drive for Tuscaloosa on the 7th. I thought Panhellenic said they were mailing them on the 24th. Even at the magazine rate I thought it would have hit the mailbox yesterday.</p>

<p>Just talked to DD and she said that some of the Alabama PNMs got their Greek Chics today!! So hopefully y’all will get yours before you have to travel for move-in. New PNM number according to Panhellenic FB page…1,931…WOW!!! I am so excited to be able to be there for this amazing event!!</p>

<p>I live in KY and I just got mine today! Definitely worth the wait. :)</p>

<p>No arrival in Indy…maybe tomorrow. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Got it in Philly today</p>