Greek Chic 2012

<p>The University of Alabama Panhellenic Association Fall Formal Recruitment Guide.</p>

<p>Live online: [Issuu</a> - You Publish](<a href=“”></p>

<p>I can’t find it there. And I had my glass of Malbec all ready and everything…</p>

<p>FOund it here:</p>

<p>[UA</a> Greek Chic 2012](<a href=“]UA”>UA Greek Chic 2012 by Kat Gillan - Issuu)</p>

<p>but it is all wonky on my pc.</p>

<p>Must be the fifty thousand girls and their moms’ trying to view it at the same time!</p>

<p>link: search box… UA GREEK CHIC 2012
or it sounds like you found it.</p>

<p>What a WONDERFUL job and soooooo much hard work.</p>

<p>Full of info and the pics are full of fun and sisterhood. Too bad 54 is “too old.” lol.</p>

<p>I am enjoying it too much as well . . . ah, to be young again!! But, I would never change my sorority! Alpha Gam Forever!!</p>

<p>Was sooo excited to look at it last night! My DD is in several pics…so nice to see her smiling with her sisters Alabama does a great job with the Greek Chic! I have looked at many others and while there are a few that great I am bias and think Bama’s is best! When DD went through hers was in pieces by the time we got to recruitment.</p>

<p>As a northerner who has had no experience with the Greek system at all, I looked at this booklet with surprise. It is beautiful and very southern looking, but very intimidating to someone who never experienced this life. I can’t imagine my D dressing like this or looking like this. They all look beautiful, mostly fair and trim. It kind of makes it look unattainable for the average ho hum type of girl.</p>


<p>Frankly, sorority girls come in all shapes and sizes and coloring. the truth is that any well-groomed girl will look more “put together” with the right hairstyle for her face, and right cut of clothes for her shape.</p>

<p>When we were in T Town last week, DD and I shopped at Sassy Britches to see what “southern” sun dresses looked like. They had a well thumbed copy of the 2011-12 edition of Greek Chic to use as a reference. It was extremely helpful to see all the photos. DD is a little bit boho in her personal style, and was worried she would stand out against traditional southern preppy. Thankfully, the photos show a wide range of styles and tastes, so she is reassured. She also found 2 Judith March dresses she liked - a brand we’ve not encountered before.</p>

<p>The 2012-13 guide is very informative and well laid out (a few spelling errors, but I’m probably just being picky). DD is following rec leads from her Texas aunt for sororities we don’t have on campuses up here in WI. She is going to start early as we are unfamiliar with the process (recs are really not important up here) and will likely run into dead ends and have to dig up more leads.</p>


Just want to note that this booklet does not necessarily represent the average-looking sorority girl at UA. I know that it sounds like something that everyone says just to make the whole thing less scary, but there really are ALL different types of girls in the Greek System – any type of girl can find her place. (And this is coming from someone who doesn’t exactly have a positive opinion of the Greek System as a whole, so I’m not being biased. :))</p>

<p>Question for those in the know – without having seen pictures, I would have suggested to my daughter that she tuck in her shirt on philanthropy day and maybe accessorize with a cute belt and jewelry – but for each of the past three years, the philanthropy day clothing suggestions in Greek Chic make it look like the girls are going for only a slightly less exaggerated version of the big shirt and shorts look. Do the PNMs actually order their shirts big and just wear them as shown in Greek Chic with no attempt to make the overall outfit look pulled together and cute?</p>

“Do (girls) actually order their shirts big and just wear them…with no attempt to make the overall outfit look pulled together and cute?”</p>

<p>haha, P4C4! That is one comment DD made about her 2 visits to campus. Aunt and others had told her how dressy girls are at UA, but all she saw were the baggy T’s and Nike shorts. Coming from WI, that look is not popular (think the opposite, actually - fitted shirts and jeans) and is one she is having to adjust to. </p>

<p>When we were looking around T Town at stores that sold Tshirts, she had to ask over and over again, “OK, HOW big are you supposed to buy them?”</p>

<p>For Philanthropy Day Panhellenic gives each PNM 2 t-shirts. They will be informed as to which shirt to wear on which day (there are 2 days of Philanthropy parties). Most of the PNM’s wear the shirt one size larger than their actual size and yes…they wear it untucked. Philanthropy Days are where the sororities talk about their particular philanthropy and how they are involved. It used to be that the PNMs and actives made some sort of a craft together…often times while sitting on the floor. Things are changing a little and now some sororities are just showing a video about their philanthropy and that particular sororities activities pertaining to in but in some cases PNMs and actives sit on the floor. These parties are meant to be a little more relaxed…thus the shorts and t-shirts. As an alum I like that everyone is dressed this way for this round of parties. On Day 1 parties the PNMs get to make an impression both by their ability to converse and how “put together” they are. By “put together” I don’t mean designer couture from head to toe but rather is their hair done nicely, good make up, shoes and accessories match the dress ect…It’s nice that on Day 2 parties the PNMs and actives get a little more time to talk (parties are 25 min although with door songs and the video they probably only get about 15 to 20 minutes).
AS far as everyday dress goes not all sorority girls wear Norts and big t-shirts to class…you will see a variety of dress. No …most do not get dressed up everyday like you see in the Greek Chic pics. Remember that they were told to dress that way because they were having their pics done for the magazine. Think of it as getting ready for a family photo.<br>
I would also add you with over 3000 sorority women on campus this is just a small sampling of what the girls look and dress like. Most houses have close to 260 members…there are many many different “types” of girls. I guarantee that a PNM will find friends to bond with.
For those of you who are going through recruitment here’s a piece of advice…be you…be true to who you are…trust the system…it works. Also make sure that what ever you wear you are comfortable in it…wear it with confidence. If you are uncomfortable in the clothing you wear then it will be hard to focus on the conversations you are having. You want to be able to really “talk” with the members at each house.
I for one am counting down the days…can’t wait and we need the rainy weather to go away!!! We do not need wet PNMs. A couple of years ago just as one of the last Pref parties was about ready to start the heavens opened up and it poured. I felt so bad for all the PNMs that were standing on the sidewalk waiting to go it…they were drenched!!! The actives all ran upstairs and go towels ect to help dry them off!</p>

<p>MereMom and Ahpimommy – thanks for the feedback! Back in the dino days when I was going through rush at Alabama, you wouldn’t think of being seen in anything other than a Malia sundress with perfect accessories and makeup for each day of recruitment, so the thought of being able to go to a party looking anything less than perfectly pulled together is a little foreign – glad to have the up to date scoop so that if D2 ends up at Alabama she won’t get bad advice from her out of date mom! </p>

<p>The funny thing is that back in the days when I was involved in recruitment as a rushee and active member, we didn’t think a thing was wrong with sitting on the floor in dresses. (Of course people needed to sit like ladies!) One of my clearer memories of recruitment is sitting at a low table in the Alpha Chi house eating a brownie while watching a Mayberry themed skit. At the Pi Phi house rushees sat in rows of regular sized chairs while the actives knelt next to the chairs. At my house we did a Disney themed skit and served cookies that were iced to match the colors of our dresses. (Our dresses were custom made and the style of each dress was the same – each of us was assigned a color our first year on the “other side” and kept that color during our remaining time in the house). Every year we went to a local Baptist church right after ice water teas and borrowed every table and chair out of their preschool department and moved it into our dining room. The rushees got chairs and the members sat on the floor. After two days we moved all those little tables and chairs out again and redecorated the whole house in between marathon voting sessions. We had eight hundred or so girls going through rush even in the olden days. The girls going through rush really have no idea how hard the members are working to create a magical environment. Despite the hard work, I have tremendously fond memories of the whole process!</p>

<p>(MereMom - my D1 goes to Alabama, but wasn’t interested in going greek. She wears pretty much the kind of clothing you are describing as the Wisconsin norm when she goes to class – nice jeans and regular sized cute tops.)</p>