<p>Could any current or former students tell me what the different fraternities’ reputations on campus are?</p>
<p>SIG EP- awesome frat but considered pretty boys </p>
<p>PHI PSI- another awesome frat</p>
<p>TKE- kinda a second tier frat but still good and fun - no pledging btw </p>
<p>SAE-aka same *******s everywhere </p>
<p>KDR- aka kappa date rape-aka shady r </p>
<p>LAMBDA - sux </p>
<p>i forgot the names but there are an afriacan amrican and non drinking frarnities, not so big </p>
<p>kappa sig - fub but mostly the baseball team </p>
<p>ki phi - sux</p>
<p>anyone that uses their greek affil as some sort of status symbol will be a jerk no matter where he goes. For the most part you will end up in a fraternity with people similar to you there are wildcards in every pledge class tho. </p>
<p>Its ignorant stereotypes that hurt everyone because people can be close minded and unwilling to accept people who are different. Whats more important then the fraternities image is if your comfortable there and having a good time which if you joined you most likely will be.</p>
<p>what about sororities’ reps and differences please?</p>
<p>When is rush for incomming freshman… spring or fall?</p>
<p>rush is delayed until first semester of sophomore year, freshmen aren’t part of greek life.
honestly, the frat stereotypes are commonly known around campus, but obviously not every guy in a frat will be one way. the delayed rush gives everyone plenty of time to figure out if greek life is for them and where would be a better fit.
there are only 6 sororities right now (they’re adding a new one next fall) so they’re much larger than the frats and the girls in them are harder to stereotype. granted, they all have slightly different reputations but not anything really dramatic.
really, it’s definitely not something to worry about, especially before you actually go here.</p>
<p>On sororities:
Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma - Most attractive girls, kind of ditzy
Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta - Lots of engineers
Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega - Can’t really say too much about these two. They’re the middle ground.</p>
<p>If Frats are all there is for parties and Freshman are not included, is there much of a party scene for them?</p>
<p>freshman girls can get into any register. freshman boys, on the other hand…</p>
<p>is greek life really popular on campus? do the frats and sororities run the social scene?</p>
<p>well you can get in if u know someone or are really sneaky. A good trick go to the directory find the name of a girl in a sorirty who has maybe a boys sounding name and get their box number</p>
<p>What’s up everyone, I am considering transfering to Bucknell in the fall as a junior and was wondering if it is hard or rare for juniors to pledge frats?? Thanks</p>
<p>What is the night life like for most freshmen?</p>
<p>So how hard is it for freshmen males to get into frat parties? Is it impossible, or does it just require knowing someone in the frat or something like that?</p>
<p>You either have to know a frat brother or bring lots of girls with you.</p>