Greek Life

<p>never really thought i'd be the greek type, but also want to make sure i have a social life at berkeley..
thoughts from anyone who is part of the greek system and knows if its worth it or what type of time commitment it entails would be appreciated!</p>

<p>It takes up a lot of time and money, especially rush. I just make friends with Greeks and hang out and party with them minus the required events and hazing and fees</p>

<p>^ Lol. Pretty much.</p>

<p>cal seems to have a fair deal of opportunists.</p>

<p>Is it true that you get ‘connections’ by being in a frat?</p>

<p>haha okay thanks… i’ll prob end up being another “opportunist” too</p>

<p>Why do people join these things anyway if they require so much effort and you can always find parties yourself?</p>

<p>it’s the cool thing to do. and because some are just in majors like poli sci, which can be as easy as you want it to be. or so my friend tells me. (results in a lot of free time to do whatever)…sorry poli sci majors/intended. i’m just respewing what my friend says haha. honestly, most people i know that join frats/sors do so just to get to know a group of people better in a quicker manner…</p>

<p>and the thing is, if you’re a girl, then yes, it’s easier to get into parties. being a guy really requires connections with the frats or going with a group that has a higher girl than guy ratio in order to get into parties… </p>

<p>hamburgler: i’m sure to some extent, at least one person will be connected to some decent/legit job via family or whatnot if that’s what you mean.</p>

<p>yeah kind of. i just picture frats being a sophisticated social club where people wear suits and smoke cigars while talking about their many yachts. </p>

<p>i want to be in one of those.</p>

<p>HAHHA hamburgler no they are much less class that … although they are definitely still a lot of fun and you do indeed make connections not only with alumni that can connect you with jobs, but also with other like-minded peers. It’s the easiest way to meet friends if you’re into parties and socializing like that.</p>