<p>I'm thinking of going on the Greyhound because it's a cheaper alternative to flying ($66-100 compared to $160+). Does anyone have any experience using the Greyhound bus service?</p>
<p><a href="http://i43.tinypic.com/2w5p0gl.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://i43.tinypic.com/2w5p0gl.jpg</a></p>
<p>^ For my return trip, do I arrive home 06:20am June 19 or June 20? I'm confused!</p>
<p>My boyfriend takes the Greyhound from The Bay to SD every so often to visit me, but only when he buys the ticket the day of coming to see me.</p>
<p>I’d check out Southwest airlines and Virgin airlines–I’ve gone up to visit him, and he’s come down to see me for $49 each way (if you buy your tickets in advance!) That’s cheaper than the Greyhound, and SIGNIFICANTLY faster! (:</p>
<p>To answer your question though, you arrive on the 20th, and depart on the 19th (overnight trip).</p>
<p>Greyhound is despicable! It’s nasty and cramped and slow.</p>
<p>Southwest airline tickets are always cheap, and if you buy ahead of time, it’s extremely low priced!</p>
<p>I do NOT recommend greyhound, I would rather pay the plane ticket price!</p>
<p>I don’t recommend the bus. Try southwest - including taxes, you can get round-trip tickets for less than $150. And if you fly often, they give you free flights (I think every fourth round-trip is free, or something like that). </p>
<p>Hopefully we’ll get high speed rail in California someday, and this will be less of an issue.</p>