Grove City College

<p>lap, </p>

<p>My son has applied to GCC. I don't have direct knowledge about athletic scholarships, but did see this on the financial aid FAQ:

I've heard that there are a lot of athletic opportunities at Grove City College. Can I get an athletic scholarship?</p>

<p>"The Wolverines" compete in the NCAA Division III level, and therefore we are not permitted to offer athletic scholarships or preferential treatment to athletes when awarding financial aid.


<p>Standrews is correct. GCC does not offer athletic scholarships. If your son is really interested in football at GCC, I suggest that you set up a time to talk over your situation with the coach. Who knows? Perhaps something can be set up regarding academic scholarships, financial aid, and work study that can make GCC more affordable for your son, lap1518.</p>

<p>On another front, it will actually be of benefit to you to have two children in college at the same time from the standpoint of financial aid. All financial aid formulas factor in the number of children in college, and it actually makes for a big difference in calculating the expected financial contributions of parents.</p>

<p>Your son will need to figure in several factors in his college decision. If his heart is set on football, he'll need to know that the program (and coaching staff) that he gives his life to is one that he loves. This is true no matter the other factors of the school. If he ends up not liking the football program at the school he chooses, it is likely that he won't see much good in the school on other fronts. How much he loves the game will determine how important that aspect will be to his life. It is the best situation when a student loves his sport, loves his coach, and loves his school.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input guys. I'm rooting for GCC!</p>