Gt Help!

<p>Okay, so I met with my advisor yesterday and I just found out that my second sememster for Biology and second semester for Academic Writing are restricted to respective majors only. It's such BS, they neglected to tell me this in the summer. So now I have to see the chairs of Biology, English, and Communications, and basically beg to be allowed into the courses. I already have the feeling from one of the chair's secretaries the answer will be a no, so what do I do? I'm going to call Cornell on Thursday and let them know about this, is there anything else I can do? Worst case scenario, I'll withdraw after fall ends and enroll in community college... joy</p>

<p>Call Cornell and find out what their stand is. If they require you to take the classes...petition your school and explain your situation...go all the way up the ranks...that policy really is bs.</p>

<p>The chair emailed me back and wont even meet with me in person. AHHH!!! im so ****ed off! Why is this happening!?!?!?!?</p>

<p>Go higher than the chair...I don't understand the policy. What if a non-bio major was pre-med and needed that 2nd semester?</p>

<p>I dont understand it either. The chair even said that before he'd let me in, he would let an undeclared student who "wants to stay here" take the class before me. Idk what to do... Im on the verge of a mental breakdown. None of these people care what happens, they just dont give a rats a$@. I emailed my close contact, Jared, who is one of the assistant admissions directors for CALS. I hope Cornell can fix this... if not, i think its comm. college</p>

<p>Yeah...I know Jared..he's a good guy, he'll help you out.</p>

<p>This is why I never mentioned the transfer card at my old school....there were a lot of unkind professors in my department. I would go to the Dean of Students...or whatever the Oswego equivalent is.</p>

<p>Cornell told us we had to mention we were transferring, so I feel like if I didn't and they wouldn't let me in, I couldn't play the blame game. At least now I can. Do you really think Jared can help, what can they do?</p>

<p>Well...they prob can't force the chair to let you in a class. But, they can look at your situation and give you advice on what to do.</p>

<p>Whatever happens...I'd write a letter to the president of Oswego and apprise him of the situation. I did that once when something unfair happened to me at Cornell and I got results :-)</p>

<p>our president sucks, she doesn't care about the students at all... but maybe I could write to the dean of the college of arts and sciences here...</p>

<p>it's such garbage! I'm going to ask Cornell if I could replace the bio requirement with another bio class or another science w/lab course. It's probably a longshot, but anything that would prevent a winter transfer is worth a try. Have you heard them altering GT requirements do to outstanding situations?</p>

<p>I've personally never heard of a requirement being lifted...but I bet it's been done for extreme circumstances.</p>

<p>I bet they won't... but its okay. I think i have a backup. I just checked the community college's website, and they offer all the courses I need. Maybe I should've gone there from the start, oh well. At least it's not over.</p>

<p>Damn, good luck with everything. I ended up taking Stat over the summer before this year, because my college would not let me take it as a non-math major. It was probably the dumbest thing I've ever'd think after paying this much money, you'd be allowed to take any intro class you'd like.</p>

<p>I'm sure you'll get it worked out. Cornell was very accommodating when I was stressing about the situation earlier this summer. Good luck!</p>

<p>reallly? how so?</p>

<p>I assume you're aksing about how they were accommodating. I guess I exaggerated...they were able to tell me within 15 minutes if certain classes would meet the requirements instead of me waiting a week or more, since registration deadlines were rapidly approaching.</p>

<p>The point is that I think Cornell really wants to see us succeed...they're not looking to just get rid of us nicely, and I'd be very surprised that if it was absolutely impossible for you to take the class, Cornell would just say "Screw you."</p>

<p>yeah, i dont see them doing that either. well, im interested in their response. I mean i have comm. college as a sure backup (just checked their coursepacket), but it'll be interesting to see what cornell's initial response is w/o me mentioning that</p>

<p>Good news! Jared said he is going to ask Cathy Shiels to alter the bio 2 requirement to either physics 1 or chem 1 (i hope its chem 1, i'd rather take physics at cornell, but i'll take w/e i can get) And if there are any required courses that I don't get for the spring, they can allow for summer courses to count and I would still be there next fall. thank you, cornell! this really reinforces why i want to go here</p>

<p>See....Jared is awesome. Just FYI...Cathy is the one in charge of GT/regular transfer admissions so if you have any other issues...she is the one you'll want to speak with.</p>

<p>Yeah, he told me I have to call Cathy on Friday. She seemed really mean at the transfer meeting, is she really like that? I hope she doesn't like, idk yell at me. She seemed so intimidating. Like at the transfer meeting, she freaked out and threatened to call security on a guy for videotaping her.</p>

<p>No...she's very friendly. She comes off as gruff...especially at that transfer meeting b/c she was trying to make points about the importance of following GT policies since there have been so many issues recently.</p>

<p>Good luck again! I think I might be running into the exact same order to take Bio, you need to be a Bio major, and to become a Bio major, you need to have taken Calculus in college (and I took Statistics, since it's my requirement). Here's to hoping it won't come to me having to beg CALS...</p>