(GT) transfer application-related materials... am I mailing stuff to the right place?

<p>I apologize if it seems like I asked this question in another thread, but it's a rather urgent one. I'm a GT and have been mailing all the GT-required forms, etc. to the "Undergraduate Admissions Office, Attn: Transfer Processor". </p>

<p>However, in addition to my application, I've also mailed recommendation letters, newspaper clippings, etc., and (in general, other stuff) to supplement. I read in the other thread that apparently everything mailed to the transfer processor gets scanned into a computer machine, and I just want to make sure that for transfers, we mail EVERYTHING (from the mandatory forms to optional letters/newspaper articles, etc.) to the transfer processor, and not the specific school's admissions mailing address? (or "the Application Processing Center") </p>

<p>I've been calling/e-mailing them many times during this GT process, and I want to give them a break! </p>


<p>I briefly answered in the other thread....but here's what I can tell you since it was discussed at an info panel I sat in on. If you send extra material in with your app they will try to scan it in....it just means more reading for the adcom and they don't always like this...especially with freshman admissions. So...if you must send in extra stuff, keep it small....for example, if you published a paper...send only the abstract, not the entire paper.</p>

<p>Well, for me it was just a letter of recommendation and a newspaper clipping (now thinking, maybe I should have cut-up instead). As a GT transfer student, I hope they won't mind the extra reading. </p>

<p>Thanks for sharing that bit of info!</p>