Guide to getting a 2400 and 800s in 3 subject tests.

<p>Notanengineer - we are merely taking a break until the main ■■■■■ returns</p>

<p>You know he will.</p>

<p>A few points:</p>

I read somewhere on the Interwebs that the SAT is a good example of “non-productive benchmarking”. It has a person sit down for a few hours, scratch out some graphite; then that person waits three weeks and the test scanner spits out a number based on a somewhat arbitrary scale. The problem is, the whole ordeal did not contribute to society at all. Basically, it helped almost nothing (except payroll at the testing companies). You can claim, “oh, I learned stuff while preparing for the test.” That’s great, but if your only reason for learning that stuff was to prepare for the SAT, it was a big fat waste of time. Use that knowledge to actually do something that affects other people in a positive way.</li>

<p>Look, the point is, whether you’re religious or not, whether you believe in an afterlife or not, after you die, you, your consciousness, does NOT get to experience anything else here on Earth. All those people who died in 1900 will never know what a laptop is. Because they’re dead. Don’t waste precious time.</p>

<li><p>The guy under the bridge that the goats cross
Widely divergent, polarizing points of view are ridiculously common in today’s world. They get people killed. But here, you’re safe. Speaking out won’t get you killed because people can’t tell who the heck you are, if you’re careful. So this ■■■■■ has said lots of inflammatory stuff. BUT he thinks he’s completely correct, just like the Republicans think they’re completely correct and the Democrats think so too and the Communists did and Hitler did and Bill O’Reilly and Bill Maher and Barack Obama do. That is an interesting philosophical concept all in itself. We should be open minded. We should thank Mr(s). ■■■■■ for sharing another viewpoint with us, because it’s the ideas that we DON’T agree with which make us stop, think, and rework our philosophies of life – this part of the process is just as important as assimilating new ideas. So thank you, Mr(s). ■■■■■, for all that you’ve done for us. Your tireless effort has given all of us something life-changing to think about – something small, definitely, but still something. Just comparing you with Mother Teresa brings tears to my eyes.</p></li>
<li><p>Time for some hypocrisy on my part and also some COGNITIVE DISSONANCE?!?!?!?!?!
First, note that Mr(s). ■■■■■ calls him/herself perfect and is confident in his/her ability to make a mark on the world. That’s great, but how do you define perfect? A little research shows that apparently Mr(s). ■■■■■ doesn’t have “perfect” scores, doesn’t have a “perfect” record (academically, criminally, etc), doesn’t have “perfect” parents, and also s/he’s either 20 and talking about SAT scores, or a liar. I’m not saying to Mr(s). ■■■■■, “You’re not perfect.” I’m just pointing out that the definition of “perfection” is not 2400 and should not be 2400 and Mr(s). ■■■■■ didn’t get there anyway, so calling some entity “perfect” in this context doesn’t have meaning.
Second, philosophy? Really? See, the problem here is that philosophers TALK ABOUT IDEAS that they want to GET ACROSS to OTHER PEOPLE. ■■■■■■■■ or starting flame wars isn’t an effective way of doing this. You can be a controversial philosopher if you want; we need the entertainment. But this thread makes people think you’re an idiot. I’d say that the rambling crap that I just typed up (and also the profound ideas of others) counts more as philosophy than, well, THAT (the way Dems point to Sarah Palin).
Look, if you want the next generation to analyze your writings in class, try not to alienate all of them. That’s my advice.</p></li>

<p>Lastly, don’t take life so seriously. Fight becoming mature. Stay hungry; stay foolish. On your deathbed are you going to be proud of what a party pooper you were, or are you going to be proud of something else?</p>

<p>A few responses:</p>

<li>Here you manage to be illogical even in trying to prove that the SAT is meaningless (which is true). But it isn’t meaningless because of it doesn’t contribute to society. Means of assessment are imperative to any business model, including education (this is a big problem in education in fact). The SAT is just meaningless because it favors higher socioeconomic classes and only loosely correlates with college success.</li>

<p>I’m an existential nihilist too, but if you’re arguing that everything is pointless, then what you do–whether you study for the SAT or combat world hunger–is irrelevant.</p>

<li><p>Very cute. But it would be a novel idea indeed if people would consider the viewpoints of those who don’t agree with them. Alas.</p></li>
<li><p>Yeah, I agree, he seems like a pretty imperfect guy to me.</p></li>

<p>Also, how is he “taking life so seriously” while being a “■■■■■”? I would think those two things are mutually exclusive.</p>

<h1>58 Jess - You’re jealous of my perceptive abilities.</h1>

<h1>59 Shaggy - Nah bro, magicians can’t get burned.</h1>

<h1>60 Pi kid - Thanks bro!</h1>

<h1>61 uncooldude - Bro, I’m a perfect magician, I cannot understand your muggle ways. Your inept ability to read and write amazes me.</h1>

<h1>62 Kieran - To guide my fellow CCers on their way to the 4800 club, bro.</h1>

<h1>63 huss - So, you mad bro?</h1>

<h1>64 risubu - C’mon, he can call me a moron but I can’t call someone a liar? CC is racist against my people.</h1>

<h1>65 chaosdog - Hey, it’s understandable, he only got a 740 in CR.</h1>

<h1>66 SeniorIndian - Bro, you mad you were deprived of Asian parenting?</h1>

<h1>67 Discobiscuts - I love your SN.</h1>

<h1>68 Shaggy – Excuse me, I am completely serious in all my posts. And heaven forbid I miss a day on CC!</h1>

<h1>69 notanengineer - But that may result in an actual career!</h1>

<h1>70 bart – How is this not useful?! I have proposed the easiest way to get a 2400 compared to all the other 2400 guides. My thread should be flaunted on the CC homepage.</h1>

<h1>71 notanengineer – Nah bro… There’s a trick I’ve heard for standardized tests called the Oravetz Property, it’s highly recommended.</h1>

<h1>72 Confucian – Thanks brah. Don’t be ridiculous, sleeping in the back corner of the classroom directly leads to academic success.</h1>

<h1>73 johny – Let’s be serious, the majority of 2400s are Asians. Asians typically do not have the greatest English grammar. Obviously your familiarity with the English language does not correlate to academic success.</h1>

<p>I would like to protest your second claim too. The 2370 and 2320 in our school do not read for pleasure at all. Despite your opinion, they represent the majority of high scorers who just study for the test rather than “read.” I must cede though that the 2400er friend of mine does enjoy high quality newspaper articles from The Onion.
Are you a socialist? I’ve dealt with those nationalist socialists before. Not sure if you’ve heard, but they’re pretty bad people.</p>

<p>I can, but I won’t.
Actually I will briefly - Become a magician. What that entails is up to you.</p>

<p>Also – I’ll momentarily be serious – You’ll hit a wall where you can’t just raise your score for a long time. Then you’ll get over it and mock those inferior to you who never can get past it. I happened to cross that wall during my actual SAT and got higher than any practice test I took.</p>

<h1>74 risubu – She’s a nice lady!</h1>

<h1>75 – pi kid – PM me once you publish your SAT opinions, I’d love to insightfully comment.</h1>

<h1>76 johny1 – Just stop. #1 rule, do not equivocate SAT score with knowledge and intelligence. However, if you end up scoring in the triple digits total, I would highly recommend visiting Ithaca, it’s very gorges.</h1>

<h1>77 Confucian – We do not ■■■■■ on this thread, please refrain from any further ■■■■■■■■.</h1>

<h1>78 Johny1 – Again with the socialism. As friendly as they may seem behind their blonde hair and blue eyes, do not trust them. May I refer to rule #1 again, do not equivocate SAT score with success. We’ve clearly proven my SAT 2400 buddy will become the local hobo.</h1>

<h1>79 notanengineer – My bear will show you deep and dismal.</h1>

<h1>80 chaosdog – Only 50? With those poor study habits how does he expect to get a job.</h1>

<h1>81 Confucian – As I have said before, please refrain from ■■■■■■■■.</h1>

<h1>82 Jess – Please finish your thoughts. How did collegeboard give you a competent grade on the essay?</h1>

<h1>83 beyond – Yes – why would you study SATs for any other reason than to take the SAT? I mean, I know we all get emotionally attached to it, especially after we venture to CC, but it all ends after you get your scores (or it just gets started for most people).</h1>

<p>Finally, someone who understands the atrocities of Hitler!</p>

<p>I am male, and I prefer to be referred to as the Mr. Magical ■■■■■. Again, I rarely ■■■■■ however.</p>

<p>No, I am not an undergrad on CC. I refuse to be that pathetic. HOW COME HE CAN CALL ME A LIAR?! Yo mods! Call this kid out! I am highly offended. CC mods are racists.</p>

<p>I have addressed the issue of being perfect. I am a perfect magician, not a muggle. Magicians are superior than muggles, so natural law dictates I am superior to you. Therefore I am perfect in that respect.</p>

<p>Don’t be ridiculous, I don’t want to actually be a philosopher. I was curious to see how many CCers would indicate actual usefulness of philosophy. And as you may have read, not many.</p>

<p>I do not want to stay hungry, the nationalist socialist party did that to plenty of people. Trust me, it was no fun bro.</p>

<h1>84 – notanengineer – Of course the SAT favors higher socioeconomic classes, as does every other aspect of life. Donate $1m to your alma mater to which your legacy child is applying to have him or her placed on the special applicants list with a much higher acceptance rate. SAT is just a filter to the next stage.</h1>

<p>That’s an easy one, study for the SAT of course. </p>

<p>Coming from a person with a poor taste in major, your comments are highly irrelevant.</p>

<p>I would think the two are opposites.</p>

<p>Also, higher socioeconomic classes are inherently smarter, just as Asians and Jews are inherently smarter.</p>

<p>Oravetz property? im intrigued, tell me more</p>

<p>is it anything like the Joreg property, which says to always pick C on a True/False scantron test when you don’t know the answer?</p>

<p>[Google</a> Images](<a href=“■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2010/12/12/finals-week-and-remember-b-is-the-new-c-funny-story/&docid=UW0eF1og5VTxDM&w=314&h=801&ei=1OIwTtaSA8KRgQfp2Z2YDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=172&vpy=26&dur=557&hovh=359&hovw=140&tx=81&ty=202&page=1&tbnh=169&tbnw=64&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0]Google”>■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2010/12/12/finals-week-and-remember-b-is-the-new-c-funny-story/&docid=UW0eF1og5VTxDM&w=314&h=801&ei=1OIwTtaSA8KRgQfp2Z2YDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=172&vpy=26&dur=557&hovh=359&hovw=140&tx=81&ty=202&page=1&tbnh=169&tbnw=64&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0)</p>

<p>^ demonstration of the Joreg property</p>

<p>I believe you are confusing the Joreg and Oravetz Properties.</p>

<p>The Oravetz Property recommends putting “C” as the answer despite if you are unsure or not. However, it does require some basic competency to read instructions and/or questions. The Oravetz Property was derived from a very reputable chemistry teacher at one of the finest Pency Prep-like schools.</p>

<p>The Joreg Property is quite different. The Joreg Property requires you to become academically dependent on another student very early in your career, such as freshman year. As time passes, as you become friends with this individual, you become more academically dependent. Once you reach the point of total dependency and your “friend” is quite content, you start soliciting academic dependence to other individuals. It becomes an endless chain, in which people academically depend on you at the same time you academically depend on another individual.</p>

<p>Joreg sounds like a combination of Jorge and Greg. interesting</p>

<p>so does Jorge = Greg?</p>

<p>Damn, a jewish magician. Instead of money, do you enjoy hording wands or something?</p>

<p>GO TO HELL. my advanced english class: 2 asians out of 25 white people. the two have the HIGHEST FREAKING ESSAY SCORES IN THAT CLASS, HIGHEST AVERAGES.</p>

<p>i’m calling the mod.</p>

<p>risubu, sounds like you need to start utilizing the Joreg property.</p>

<p>2400 is all luck, guessing, and chance. you can be extremely smart but mess something up. i think that most 2400ers would not be able to be perfect five times out of ten. likewise, most testers who scored 2350+ could likely score a 2400 at least once in ten tries. in my opinion, anything over 2320 should be considered statistically equal.</p>

<p>i hate it when people dismiss others’ accomplishments as “studying for the test”. isnt that what you’re supposed to do? also saying anything to do with race or religion is ignorant and inconsiderate. bashing people online will not solve anyone’s inherent anger, prejudice, or inferiority complex.</p>

<p>i suggest we all take a breather and talk about important subjects, not mindless quarrels.</p>

<h1>89 Confucian - You must have heard of, or at least witnessed, the Joreg Property at your fine educational establishment. It’s as rampant in high schools as AIDS is in Africa. Truly appalling and sad. We need to find a cure for this horrible injustice.</h1>

<p>Then to answer your question, yes, it is a combination of Jorge and Greg. Rumor has it that Jorge, from a low socioeconomic class Hispanic family, struggled with issues of procrastination, laziness, and general incompetency. One day he found a fellow freshman, Greg, at his high school. Greg was from a white upper class family- his dad was a hotshot at IBM, developing new supercomputers; his parents were avid fans of owning Cadillac automobiles. Anyway, Greg had the benefits of all white upper class families and was therefore a very studious student (like the consonance ehh?). Greg and Jorge befriended on the account that several of their very reputable teachers had frequently changed their names. Jorge quickly grasped this opportunity and started his quest on academic dependence on Greg. After it was well established that Jorge and Greg were one of the same, Jorge took it to the next level during their Junior year in high school. Jorge started to solicit academic dependence to his classmates. Since then, Jorge and Greg have become very famous on world class websites, such as collegeconfidential. </p>

<h1>90 chaosdog - Wands?! I haven’t used one of those things in over 9000 years! I can never understand why you Muggles adore Harry Potter, he’s such a noob. He’s as dependent on his wand as Jorge was dependent on Greg. Please, I can cast spells while sleeping.</h1>

<p>I horde gold bricks rather though. I stole them from a Leprechaun who could make derivatives greater than 50!!</p>

<h1>91 risubu - I was just there hanging with my scholarly philosophical bros, like Virgil, in Limbo. Come down and I’ll give you an information session and tour of the place. Keep heading straight after you see the sign “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”</h1>

<p>I second #92 - Confucian, practice the Joreg Method. It may be a tad late, but it’s worth a shot. It’s a very hard skill to master, but you seem competent enough.</p>

<p>goldring2012 - False, read CC guides of 2400ers. Pretty much all have said they got 3 or 4 2400s in a row before sitting for the actual test. The cutoff is more about 2370, if you’re getting something in sub 770, you’re consistently incompetent to get a 2400.
Did you get a 2320 bro? Do you feel intellectually inferior and must feel the need to equate yourself with my friend?</p>

<p>No, I study SATs for fun. Isn’t that was admissions officers love to see? I listed it as my number one extra curricular activity on my commonapp!</p>

<p>Excuse me? Race, not necessarily religion because I can’t prove that, has everything to do with SATs. Collegeboard has a breakdown of SAT percentiles by race. Tell me it doesn’t matter if they do that and publish it online. Sadly, collegeboard is racist and leaves Jews absent from their statistics. Nevertheless, Asians always have a higher SAT average than other groups of people listed.</p>

<p>Wow, who’s quarreling? Quarreling would insinuate you’re mad bro.</p>



<p>If I had the time and money, I would certainly take you up on that offer.</p>

<p>Maybe this is the wrong place to post, but I have a question regarding SAT. If, as a freshman, you took an official practice test, without completing algebra 2 yet, and say you never looked at any questions before said practice test, and wound up with roughly an 1800…is that fixable? (though if it helps my ACT practice was 30)</p>

<p>And BTW, Asians are naturally genii, but out of all my Asian friends, I got the highest ACT :slight_smile: so, one point to the generic white kid!!

<p>And actually, a perfect score on all vocab questions of the SAT isn’t that hard. In all my practice tests, I haven’t missed a single one. Though I am an extremely obsessive reader, ao that might have something to do with it…</p>


<p>Actually I got a 2370 if you care so much</p>

<h1>95 pi kid - What a bro! I’ll fund that! I’ll pay you minimum wage per hour, the cost of registering, and the cost of gas it takes to get to your nearest HS. I get my money back if you fail though. Dead serious.</h1>

<h1>96, 97, 98 - julie - This is a very diverse thread, we accept all types of posts regardless of stupidity or seriousness. From SATs to Socialism to Magicians, we have it all. We still have a strict no ■■■■■■■■ policy. Then to answer your question, I would first recommend you see a medical profession specialized in neuroscience to observe what phenomena in your brain is taking place that compels you to take SAT practice tests as a freshman. I would also ask him what makes you so thick to not understand Algebra 2 as a freshman, that’s like 8th stuff bro.</h1>

<p>I highly recommend you ask your parents if you are from any other racial background. You may end up later in life discovering your long lost Asian or Jewish heritage. You’ll subtly conform to the stereotype in your life; your friends will know, but you will never notice.</p>

<p>Stop reading, it’s bad for you.</p>

<h1>99 goldring2012 - Whoa! Cool story! I care so much! Tell it again!</h1>

<p>BOOM 100 POSTS. LET’S GOOOooo!</p>