<p>@isk92live </p>
<p>what’s with you and the word bro?</p>
<p>@isk92live </p>
<p>what’s with you and the word bro?</p>
<p>Actually, the local UC is the closest test center. But OK.</p>
<h1>101 goldring2012 - Bro, it’s a lifestyle choice.</h1>
<h1>102 pi kid - I’ll also pay you to take the SAT for me. I’ll give you over 9000 anti-sleep potions and gold bricks.</h1>
<p>isk82 are you taking the sat again?</p>
<p>isk82live, you didnt even get the perfect scores. maybe your friend will end up somewhere, but you won’t. your a complete ■■■■■■ and a disgrace to this website ok bro? and dont just make up **** right now like “i also got perfect scores and am going to yale”. you are in retrospect the biggest tool i’ve ever met. ok bro?</p>
<p>wut up bro</p>
<p>Hey, SAT tutors make good money</p>
<p>Yay, a thread for bragging about people!</p>
<p>2400 is nbd. Now it’s time to actually brag about impressive things.</p>
<p>One of my friends made the IMO without going to school. He got a gold medal. He also won Intel STS. A reputable Stanford professor SEARCHED FOR HIM, not the other way around, and asked him for help with a research project. Did a professor from Harvard/MIT/Caltech/Stanford/etc look for your friend? I don’t think so, because it would be in the news.</p>
<p>Another one of my friends made the IBO twice and got gold medals. </p>
<p>Another one of my friends got a 2400, qualified for Red MOP in 9th grade and Blue MOP in the other years of high school. </p>
<p>In conclusion, if your friend has done nothing else beside getting a 2400, I’m not impressed. Also, it’ll be easy to tell if you’re lying, because you can find information about all these smart people on the internet easily. If you want to check if these people exist, you can just Google the above achievements. I don’t think I’ll be able to find your friend very easily, but please prove me wrong.</p>
<p>As shallow and prejudice as it may seem, I think race plays a huge role in performance. Most Asians are brought up in a stricter learning environment forcing them to grind more and strive for academic excellence. Also there are studies proving that Asians (not every Asian) are smarter than a lot of other races. The race grew up on a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is supposed to be good for your brain. So basically the study says Asians have evolved to be smart by eating lots of fish. The evolution part is in the wanting to eat fish, not in the resulting brain power, since you can’t pass that on through genes. Now obviously not every Asian is a super genius, but as evolution has it, a significant amount of them have genetically superior brains. </p>
<p>Now that being said, I am not an Asian. And there is also a study showing that the average Asian erectile pen15 length falls significantly lower than other races.</p>
<p>Two things:
<li>Contrary to popular belief, “Pen15” size does not vary by race. (Adams, Michael V (1996). The multicultural imagination: race, color, and the unconscious. London: Routledge. p. 164.)</li>
This thread has run its course.</p>