
<p>is there anywhere on campus where we can take acoustic guitar lessons for beginners in formal sessions?</p>

<p>yea there is actually. The Crafts Center offers a variety of classes ranging from ceramics, glasswork, jewelry, flameworking, weaving, guitar (just to name a few). </p>

<p>There’s a Basic Guitar course. Have to provide own guitar. The fee is $82 + $10 for printed materials.</p>

<p>It’s kinda low key (the craft center classes); I wouldn’t have found out about it except I got lost and happened to wander in front of a banner.</p>

<p>how is the class, if you don’t mind me asking? is it worthwhile if you’re looking to learn how to play?</p>

<p>Look for a guide on google on how to read tabs</p>

<p>Find a guitar tab compendium</p>



<p>I actually didn’t take the class. I didn’t bring a guitar to SD so I would first have to get one to take the class.</p>

<p>you could always try teaching yourself. I taught myself basic chords & strumming over the summer thru online videos. A lot of ppl teach themselves. It’s slow at first, but after you learn the basic chords it’s more fun cuz you can start playing songs.</p>

<p>Guitar isnt hard to learn. Learn the basics and a few chords and you are on your way.</p>

<p>but I just wanted to ask…is there a real class for learning/mastering the guitar? Like one in which you would take for units?</p>

<p>And can anyone take those?</p>

<p>^No…I don’t think there’s one you can take for units (though I’m not 100% positive)</p>

<p>Yeah I think anyone can take those craft center classes.</p>

<p>Here’s a link for more info: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. Click classes (top right corner)</p>

<p>any suggestions for guitars to buy for beginners? (reasonably priced preferred)…</p>

<p>I would suggest the beginners packages–which is the best deal you can get on a reasonably priced beginners guitar. I started out with the Yamaha beginners guitar package and it played pretty well. I kept with that one for about a year before buying a Taylor 214e (which sounds like heaven compared to it)
Good luck!
Btw–I dont know about the other stores, but I like buying from Sam Ash–other places like Guitar center are good, but I’ve stuck to Sam Ash–they give you the best deals, esp if you become a frequent customer.</p>

<p>I just wanted to ask… I know there are actual instrument instruction classes–but most of them are for music maj/min. Is there anyway to get around that? And wasnt there a guitar group?</p>

<p>[Takamine</a> GS330S Acoustic Guitar and more 6 String Acoustic Guitars at](<a href=“]Takamine”></p>

<p>^ That was my first acoustic and it was actually a very good deal for $300 now that I think back</p>

<p>I then bought a Taylor 210e</p>

<p>If you’re looking for an electric, any of the cheap Fender Squiers should do well. Just don’t go cheap on the amp.</p>

<p>Takamine is a good brand of guitar. If you are looking at something around 100-150, try the yamaha. </p>

<p>yeah, electrics are generally cheaper–but amps are the biggies for those.</p>

<p>what local stores sell replacement strings?</p>

<p>i bought mine at the bookstore…</p>

<p>other than that… ebay</p>

<p>There’s a Guitar Center in La Mesa (Grossmont Center). There’s a lot of shopping areas there, and it’s pretty close to Viejas.</p>

<p>I just buy online</p>

<p>are there any suggestions for where to buy from online? i tried searching, but i can’t distinguish among light/ extra light/ medium and 80/20 bronze vs. phosphorous bronze guitar strings.</p>