GW 2023 Early Decision 1

@ebocanegra I’m actually gonna lose it. What are they playing at, making us actually have to do our regulars. I can’t believe we have to wait until halfway through winter break to find out

A rep told my college counselor Monday but I keep hearing different things, I’m also still so confused about the stuff with Gweb

I just got a call back. So there isn’t much information regarding why we can see GWeb information, but I was told to start checking my email “tomorrow”.

@ebocanegra So do you think that means we may get our decisions tomorrow?

I’d say 50/50 chance

@ebocanegra wait so what did they say? That decisions would come out in around two weeks but to start checking tmw?

@IR2023 At first I was told within two weeks, but now I was told to start checking tomorrow.

it could be that they’re giving an overestimate so that people who might have something screwed up or different with their apps don’t get mad?

it says my PIN and password are both wrong, and i mean were not sure about the password thing but i copy and pasted my G######## straight from the portal so ?? who knows

i didn’t apply for financial aid and it says my GW pin is invalid, which means i probably don’t have an account thing yet at all. i think you’re right its just for people with financial aid?

holy crap guys. i checked this thread at midnight last night and it had 4 pages. it hasn’t even been a full 24 hours later and now it has 10??? we’re all LOSING IT.

also TIP-- a bunch of my friends (even people who’s ED school had a specific hour on a specific day to release admissions) heard back on their portal hours before they got an email!! keep checking your portal instead of refreshing email

So, I looked through some of the threads from past years and it seems this Gweb thing is totally normal and says nothing about whether or not you’ll be admitted. That being said it’s still strange for them to state online that it’s only for accepted students. Oh well, sometimes things can’t be explained.

Here’s a post from 2017:

“hey everyone. I just got accepted to GW early decision a few months ago and was reading this thread- the “New Student- Fall 2017” only means that they have your application and have you in the system as an applicant. On the day of the release when you log in to your “GW ID” and click on application status a video pops up congratulating you (if you got in). Theres also a letter attached and when you open the letter it reveals your application status. From there you create your ID and make a GW email and have full access to the info system”

He also later said that his stated “under review”, but he was admitted. So long story short - IT MEANS NOTHING! We simply have to wait.

I didn’t apply for financial aid, and I can’t log into GWeb. The financial aid section on my portal no longer says that thing about not being processed yet and now it says “You indicated you were not applying for financial aid.”

I don’t think it means anything unless you applied for FA. I wouldn’t be too stressed about it.

I just want them to release decisions, so I can have my sanity back. All I do now is check this thread and my portal every 2 seconds.

So they have closed now and won’t be posting today right?

when i made this thread i never thought i would open the website to 118 notifications. we are some STRESSED seniors

how did you withdraw your financial aid app? did you just call? @IR2023

We all did apply early decision to GW. like it’s literally a school for people who are overachievers

@irps22 I did it online but at this point I would just call