GW Admissions Chances

<p>Hi, I was on a trip down to DC for spring break and visited GW, I<br>
absolutely loved it! I met with my admissions counselor and they already know my name, saying I have a great shot at admission for a Political Communications major (I have it set that I want to be in broadcast journalism, in the political field, and GW is the perfect fit for that.) Just wanted to know what other students opinions were on my chances of admission for fall 2012. I'd likely be applying ED as it's definitely my first-choice school.</p>

<p>White Male
Junior from New Jersey</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.6/4.0
W GPA: 3.8/4.0</p>

<p>SAT: 2000/2400, 1300/1600 (730 CR, 570 M, 700 W)</p>

<p>Honors and AP Courses taken through high school
National Honor Society
NJ Boys State Delegate</p>

<p>3 Years Varsity Swimming (not captain as I was an underclassmen), All-County, All-League,
All-State honors acheived, Junior Olympics with club team
3 Years Track and Field (1 Year JV, 2 Years Varsity)</p>

<p>President of Keystone Club 2010-11 (leadership group associated with the Boys and Girls Clubs), VP 2009-10, Sergeant-at-Arms 2008-09, NE Regional Leadership Committee 2010
Appx. 400 volunteer hours logged
Boy of the Year 2009 with the Boys and Girls Club
Work experience for 2 years as a lifeguard</p>

<p>I don't know if it factors into the application but my major hobby and passion is making music. I'm a recognized producer/DJ in and around northern NJ/NYC, and I'm "climbing the ladder" to real recognition as a pro, although it's not ultimately what I want to do unless opportunity really strikes.</p>

<p>I would say the only low point is your Math SAT. Keep in mind that Math and CR hold more weight than writing score. Even as is I think you have an excellent chance, but you should try to bring the math up to look better.</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in ED.</p>

<p>^ thanks for the input guys. haha aaron, theres not much hope for math, i raised my sat score from a 540 from the first time, which is within the margin of error, im debating whether to take it again. im taking the English and World History SAT IIs, though, and will take the ACTs and hopefully improve my score</p>

<p>as long as you’re not applying to the engineering or business school you should be fine.</p>