GW Honors/Merit Scholarships

GW is my dream school, but unfortunately, I can’t afford to ED it. I don’t think my stats merit admission to the honors program, nor do I really want to be in the honors program, BUT I am wondering if it is possible to get merit scholarships WITHOUT applying to the honors program. Will GW view me as lazy/uninterested for not writing the two extra essays, and therefore not give me money. Again, my GPA is not high enough, so I don’t think it’s worth the effort, unless it affects merit scholarships…does it? Do a lot of people outside of the honors program get merit scholarships? How likely is it?

My D got merit scholarship doing RD, and also did not apply to the honors program. Based on what i have sensed , many kids do get merit aide outside of honors.

If you don’t mind my asking, about what were D’s stats (GPA, ACT/SAT, # of AP courses, etc.)?

@king517 Act 29, gpa around 3.5, did college classes abroad one semester junior year, and did all dual enrollment senior year, so not “real AP”. But had lots of EC with leadership.

Application to the honors program has absolutely no impact on the merit scholarship decisions.

I didn’t apply to the honor’s program and I was blessed with receiving a hefty merit award, which ultimately made GW affordable for me. I don’t make that comment to be pretentious, but rather to show how you’ve got a shot regardless of if you want to apply to the honor’s program or not.

my D received the top merit award a few years ago but never applied for Honors. At the time, it appeared to be mostly a lit/hume program and since she was trending towards STEM, the honors program just didn’t fit very well. After receiving the merit award, she was invited to apply for Honors after the fact.

Good luck.

I don’t know how far you are from being able to afford GW, but one option that I don’t always throw-out is a NROTC scholarship. If you’re interested in serving in the Navy in exchange for a degree from GW, it’s a pretty sweet deal. They pay for everything but your housing ($8-12K per year, depending on the dorm).