GWU 2023 (Columbian) RD Chance Me!

I’m a white male
GPA: 4.23 Unweighted
SAT: 1310
EC: NHS, SNHS (president), Math HS, Latin HS, BETA, German Club (president), English NHS (historian), varsity swimmer, Academic Challenge Team
AP Courses: AP Psych, AP US History, AP Bio, APES, AP Calculus, AP Gov, AP English
Major: Astronomy/Physics
Recommendation letters were hopefully fantastic, I got two of my favorite teachers and my counselor.

Oh, and my rank is 16/216.

Your stats look great- you’re a strong match.

Also, hit me up with any physics-specific questions as that was the degree I received from GW in 2011 :wink:

Awesome, thank you so much! Any idea if they accept people based on what college they’re going into? Last year our valedictorian and saluditorian got waitlisted when they applied for political science, obviously a very popular major there. I think I’m trying to ask if the physics department is less competitive than something like political science.

@NHuffer ^^

Yes, the college you’re going into definitely matters when it comes to you being accepted. The political science and international affairs programs are extremely competitive.

Thought so, I’ve read some rumors somewhere that the physics department is in high demand for people to join it. Is that true, or is Columbian’s acceptance rate higher at all?

Well, I don’t know about it being in “high demand,” but I don’t know what enrollment numbers have been the last few years. From at least '07-14 we had about 6-8 graduates each year. With those numbers, we never had to cancel any clases. If you look at the requirements for the major, there aren’t too many, either. Physics majors take all their math courses (at least 5) with students from other disciplines, so those classes are 40-100 students. You also share University Physics I&II with engineers and NROTC students, so those classes 30-80 students from what I remember. But for Physics III, “the big 4” (mechanics, E&M, thermal, and quantum), lab, and the two physics electives, your class size will be anywhere from 10-20 students, which I thought were excellent sizes.

And as far as Columbian’s acceptance rate, I think the general belief is that it’s higher that the other schools at GW.