GWU Transfer

Hi all! I am wondering what are my chances of getting into George Washington University as a transfer?

Here’s a little background info:
-started college at 16 (no idea what I wanted at the time)
-This will be my second time transferring
-First college was Towson University, went there for financial reasons and was miserable that it affected my GPA (3.0)
-Transferred to American University spring 2017 as a business major at 18
-over 90 hours of volunteering at Towson

My current GPA is a 3.93. (Thank god) But I finally figured out what I wanted to do. I want to pursue a medical career. As for research and internship opportunities for prospective med students, I feel like GW wins over AU. I’m not sure how GW is going to view transferring twice. so wondering what are my chances? thanks.

Given that you have already transferred once, you’re going to have to make a compelling case as to why you need to be at GW instead of American (you can’t use the “I want to make use of DC’s opportunities” line either, since you already go to American). I would point to specific academic offerings they offer.

Honestly, I don’t anyone else that’s transferred twice, so I can’t give any advice that’s backed-up by experience. And in my opinion, I think it’s going to be a tough sell. @thetransfercoach is right in that you need to focus on academic offerings (to include classes/professors related to GW Hospital). Further, if you’re just now realizing you want to be pre-med, you are WAY behind the power curve with respect to classes you need to take to prepare for the MCAT. Even though you’ve got 2 years down, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s going to take you another 3 before you could potentially attend medical school. Good luck.