gym at cmu

<p>does cmu have a nice gym? do people go often? or is it like an abandoned place? because i for one am super excited about living at a place with a</p>

<p>i wonder if theres a reason no one ever responds to any of my workout related posts</p>

Maybe we're just message board fiends
and they can't keep up.</p>

<p>Uhmm, so I went running for the first time today.
And basically... an obscenely obese kid... who's had two heart attacks, is in better shape than me. I'm so out of shape it's RIDICULOUS.</p>

<p>haha i actually went running today for the first time in a LONG time...i usually just do other forms of excerisize and after running 2 miles without stopping...i was wishing a car would just hit me and end it all</p>

<p>and still no replys....</p>

<p>running two miles without stopping.....</p>

<p>i basically jogged/ran like... three blocks? without stopping...
and then walked a block.
jogged/ran two blocks, walked one.
jogged/ran two, walked like....two?
jogged/ran three, DIED. walked like a mile-ish.</p>

<p>it's all really kind of funny, because i'm told by like everyone i know that i look so athletic and like, in shape. fit. you know.
and.... i'm completely like... the opposite.</p>

<p>lol that sounds like how i was before...there was a point where i couldnt even run like a block...and NOT a long block</p>

<p>but then i started running with someone and she kept me motivated...kinda...idk there was that whole i wish i could get hit by a car issue</p>

<p>i need to find someone to run with next year! lol</p>

<p>well... if i get good enough
(which is kind of doubtful...)</p>

<p>but maybe!!
i'm trying to eat better.
i feel like if i don't get into shape soon
i'm going to like..die.</p>

<p>oh trust me im not good at all
i just push myself like crazy
after like one lap i literally start hyperventilating and my tounge sticks out and i like look like a soon to die</p>

<p>im KINDA on a semi existant diet now...because the way i was eating before was crazy...i didnt go a day with mcdonalds...i just felt like either i stop or i die</p>

<p>Haha :)</p>

<p>Well, from what I've noticed when I visited a few weeks ago, there were a few rooms for exercise and weight lifting in the University Center. Also, the New House dorms (not sure about any others) have a small workout room on the first floor. The University Center seems to do a good job with indoor racquet ball and a nice basketball arena (I think it's for intramural and anyone who wants to play and not necessarily for varsity but I'm not sure.) Frankly, I didn't think there was enough exercise equipment for 5,000 undergrads but it doesn't look like a problem, since it wasn't packed. I also noticed they had mirrored rooms for yoga, etc.</p>

<p>P.S.- NotAPrettyGirl and morgan17, have either of you two visited yet and are you definitely attending?</p>

<p>yes i visited a long time ago and i couldnt stay very long</p>

<p>and im definatly 99.9999999999999 percent...unless one of my waitlisted schools takes me off waitlist and gives me full fin aid...and the chances of that happening are...non existant</p>

<p>uhm, I'm definitely going. I visited 3 years ago.</p>

<p>there's gym equipment in the UC, mini work out equipment in most of the dorms and then Skibo gym (that has everything else).</p>

<p>im excited!! lol</p>