<p>On CC chance threads, I never see anyone with "physical education" as one of their senior year classes. Are you all just not including it on the thread because it's not an academic class, or is my school the only one that requires PE all four years? If so, will this hurt my chances if I'm competing against other people who were allowed to take academic classes instead?</p>
<p>Lol, it might be because gym really doesnt matter much as far as colleges go. I doubt there exists a college that would reject you because you didnt take a gym =).</p>
<p>I DID take gym. That’s the problem. My school requires 4 years of gym, but I never see anyone writing PE as one of their senior classes. If I wasn’t required to take gym, I could have taken something else like AP Physics or another foreign language…something that would look good on a transcript. If other schools don’t make their students take PE, and they therefore have room in their schedules for those extra classes, am I at a disadvantage to those students?</p>
<p>I don’t know if your are neccessarily at a disadvantage. Princeton knows that different schools have different requirements (my school requires one semester of PE for graduation). If you’re worried, you could always add some independent studies in your spare time and take those AP exams.</p>
<p>If you don’t take gym, you can’t graduate at some schools. And if you don’t take gym, it makes you look like you’re not well-rounded. You won’t get in if you don’t take gym.</p>
<p>Yeah, I am pretty happy with our policy, although I did end up taking a full year.</p>
<p>It’s okay if you can’t do an independent study. You’ll be fine if you can manage to make yourself stand out. Find what makes you unique and stick to it!</p>
<p>I had four years of PE, and I’m fairly sure that its a requirement in the NJ public schools. People don’t list it because colleges aren’t looking at it for admissions purposes, and in fact most schools don’t include it in your GPA. Even if yours does, Princeton won’t in recalculating.</p>
<p>There are many things to worry about in this world, and a number of things to stress over at college applications time. This isn’t one of them. Relax!</p>
<p>siemprecuriosa, don’t worry about. there’s no reason you need to stress about making up for this b/c there is nothing to make up for. it was required. all you have to do is ask your principal or counselor to note that on your application (though I don’t think it’s necessary). have a great senior year!</p>