HAIL Scholarship - is this a good sign?

I received mail saying if I get into UMich, they’ll provide me with a HAIL scholarship which would cover my tuition. Obviously I’m not admitted, but is this a good sign that I met accepted? I know I sound naive, but I do understand colleges do these gimmicks to get students to apply so they could lower their acceptance rate.

This is the first year of HAIL and it was announced a few weeks ago by President Schlissel. It’s not a marketing gimmick. The university is genuinely trying to encourage in state high school students who may not have applied because they’ve heard all their lives that U of M is too expensive and end up at another school. The article I read about the program is that they worked with 250+ high schools to identify around 1000 high school students that would receive the offer. I’d be pretty happy if I were you. Around this time last fall, I got a letter from the university for personal essay writing / application assistance etc. I thought it was “fake” at first but it wasn’t. I was able to meet with an adcom rep 3 times before I submitted EA. I guess my point is, U of M has some great programs. If they’re offered to you, they mean it. If you have the grades and ACT scores that make you competitve, apply EA soon. It’s a great opportunity. Go for it and Go Blue!

From what I read, they identified around 1000 students to offer this potential financial aid. It is not even a probational acceptance. You still need to apply and go through the same reviewing process like all other applicants. Only if you are admitted, you are financially covered.

I got the same packet, and truth be heard it stressed me out. I don’t even think I have the capability to get through the application process. I wasn’t even considering it,but of course now my parents are all gung ho on me going. I just don’t want them to get their hopes up if I’m denied.

@quinnmquinn I think that’s the point. Michigan is trying to get students who may not have considered attending Michigan for whatever reason, to consider it. Think about it, were you planning to apply somewhere else in state? What other university in the state will guarantee you full tuitition and fees? Yes that leaves room and board but that can be a whole lot more manageable. Have you visited campus? Maybe that’s the first step.

I was planning on going out of state. Actually to howard which is an HBCU (I’m Caucasian) because they are offering me a full ride,but they aren’t reputable so I don’t know.

Congratulations! My son got this as well. Just letting you know our school counselor told us that the Hail Scholarship is already in his name. Wait for the package they send to you, then apply with all of that information. As long as you are accepted that scholarship is awaiting for you. It is really great news and a huge accomplishment. Good luck to you!

Howard is known as the “Mecca” of HBCU’s because it has students from all over the Diaspora, and also has a fair share of non-Black students. It’s actually quite reputable with its own law school, medical school, dental school and pharmacy school including Business school. It’s not Michigan, but every school is about fit. Not the same reputation as my alma mater, but Howard is a really good school. My son is considering also.

Howard is an extremely reputable school. I’m not sure where you got the “not reputable” thing from. I actually know quite a few PhD students here at U of M that are Howard alums.

I’m not saying you should choose it over Michigan (not saying you shouldn’t either), but to say it’s not reputable is just wrong.

if they’re working thru the high schools it just depends. I didn’t even inform my high school as to my ACT scores or ECs or that i attended college as well, so i suspect some of those 1,000 will either be unqualified and/or many others who are qualified won’t have their names put forth

I kind of find this whole thing hard to believe, because even coming from a town of 700 and EFC of practically 0, i knew to apply and knew i’d be able to afford it (michigan grant). It says right on the website they will cover full cost of attendance for in-state

So i would at least apply and if you do get in, you may receive other grant or federal $ to cover housing

OTOH, if you think the application process is too daunting, i doubt you have what it takes to graduate

I’ve learned of a couple of kids who have received this offer and I’d have to confirm that most of them are definently under qualified

I received a HAIL scholarship as well! I talked with my counselor and she informed me that although we aren’t accepted yet and we still have to go through the application process, our chances of getting in increase and we are put into a smaller pool of applicants. I would be thrilled if I were you!

I threw away every college letter without reading. I wonder if my son is one of the lucky ones? How do you find out?

Since this is a new program, I doubt anyone would have idea how it works yet.

It’s a huge envelope. Even if you did throw it away, it still applies to him.

When will they tell you if you qualified for the scholarship? I am a low income state student and I did not hear anything about it. I also just recently got admitted.

I got mine about 4 months before my decision… I recommend emailing your admissions counselor and explaining your situation. Congrats and Go Blue!

@AcceptableName I’m just tagging you to get your attention because I forgot to in my previous post (post #16)