half asian half hispanic

im getting a lot of mixed opinions: some say reporting that I am half asian is entirely optional while others say it would be dishonest if I left that out. Basically, I’m half asian and half hispanic. I’ve also been born in that asian country, and moved here when I was about 5 years old.
I’ve heard from posts by entomom on here that I would still be a URM if i reported Hispanic and Asian, but is this true? would i still be considered a URM if im mixed (so half ORM as well) i.e. wouldn’t this cancel it out? furthermore, if i left out that i was asian, wouldn’t it raise a red flag until adcoms’ eyes seeing as my “country of birth” is an asian country?

Hispanic isn’t a race, it’s an ethnicity. You can be of any race (white, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, etc.) and be born in any country….and be of Hispanic ethnicity.

You are racially Asian and of Hispanic ethnicity. Nobody is going to question it and it won’t raise a red flag that your country of birth is an Asian country.

@MLM would i be considerd a “URM” though?

Hispanics are considered URM, but being hispanic doesn’t give you much of a boost regardless. It isn’t a golden ticket to admission.