<p>We are thinking of starting college visits on Halloween weekend. Are there any colleges to stay away from on Halloween because the celebrations are so big that you wouldn't get the true picture of the school?</p>
<p>UCSB ten char</p>
<p>LOL it will be a “fun” weekend no matter where you are!</p>
<p>I agree with momofthreeboys. I think it would be fun to see how a school celebrates Halloween. UVa, for example, has an annual Halloween on the Lawn.</p>
<p>Halloween at the big state u’s in NC is pretty crazy. It wouldn’t be a good time to visit imo.</p>
<p>Ohio University is crazy.</p>
<p>Oh by all means DO go to Rice for the NOD (night of Decadence) [Rice</a> University - Night of Decadence](<a href=“http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/rice-university/night-of-decadence.html]Rice”>http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/rice-university/night-of-decadence.html) and Baker 13 [Rice</a> University - Baker 13](<a href=“http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/rice-university/baker-13.html]Rice”>http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/rice-university/baker-13.html) A true Halloween experience!!</p>
<p>That’s Parents Weekend at Bard, so it’d be pretty crowded.</p>
<p>Thanks for all of the help!</p>
<p>That’s Parents Weekend at Yale, too</p>
<p>That is Parent Weekend at Muhlenberg, too!</p>
<p>Clearly I asked the wrong question, but we didn’t anticipate this weather way back in the September planning stages. No worries about big Halloween fun changing the usual campus climate. Mother Nature did that all on her own.</p>
<p>Why do so many schools have parent weekend on Halloween weekend?</p>
<p>Eptr, my son thought that Parents’ Weekend was scheduled for Halloween in order to keep some of the partying down. I am not sure that makes any sense because we dropped him off at his dorm early enough to party later.</p>
<p>American University is fun on halloween! The students go trick-or-treating at all the embassies. however, go early… it devolves into big parties as the night goes on.</p>