hammond scholarships

<p>when will we hear about this scholarship and what are the odds of getting it? i'm from out of state and without this i know i can't afford miami.they say mid april but,i have full tution offers from two other schools.should i wait or is this just a pipe dream.i would like to make a decision next week so i can get decent housing choices.</p>


<p>I'm sorry; I thought you were a Singer. That's awesome news about the Hammond; it's very prestigious, especially out of state. I don't know the odds, but even being considered shows they are very interested in you. IMO you shouldn’t be afraid to ask about your status; it shows the admission people you are interested in enrolling at their school. The Hammond point of contact can be found here: Ronald</a> A. Hammond Scholarship</p>

<p>Yes, housing can be difficult. My S own experience is illuminating. We had to put a housing deposit down at UF while he was deciding. After the UF visit, we got 60% of our money back. Yes, losing $40 was not nice, but making the wrong decision on a school without a visit would have been worse.</p>

<p>it says on the site that there were interviews on March 1, 2008. if we weren't requested to interview, are we not being considered anymore? </p>

<p>they emailed me like 2 days ago about the scholarship though...</p>

<p>Did your email congratulate you on recieving a scholarship? About two days before I got my acceptance package I recieved an email congratulating me on a University Scholarship. If it offers you the award you are in.</p>

<p>I'm out of state as well, and I think it's ridiculous that we have to wait until the 15th to make a decision. That's when HPME decisions come out too. To me, this just seems like a cheap way to make a small profit, by having people put down a housing deposit to be safe before they even know they will attend.</p>

<p>15th for hpme? thats freakin insane</p>

<p>i'm out of state too and i really think it's crazy we haven't heard back...
when i visited um i actually met with the women in charge of the hammond scholarships and she said that she had been so busy recruiting that she hadn't had the chance to answer a lot of people's messages...
i agree. i need the scholarship in order to go, but i am also waiting on financial packages from other schools...
gee i wish they'd hurry up and let us know</p>

<p>I received a letter 3 days ago saying I did not make it. So did three of my friends. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else who is waiting!</p>

<p>thanks electrequiem..
yeah.. i'm still waiting</p>

<p>I got the letter yesterday. I got a Hammond scholarship. And yeah I'm pretty annoyed about the HPME postponement too. I'm getting pretty frantic about what college I'm going to pick and I had hoped to not push it that far back.</p>

<p>did you also get financial aid???
if u don't mind me asking: how much per year did they say you have to pay now that you have gotten the scholarship??</p>