Handing in before time is up?

<p>Hey guys, I have a question and I'd really appreciate if someone could help out. For AP exams, are we allowed to hand in the exam before the time is up? Just because I have other exams in the afternoon in another city, and I have to rush back to be on time.</p>

<p>When I took my AP exams last yet, I believe we were required to stay for the exam’s whole duration-regardless of whether or not we had finished with more time left.</p>

<p>@ gaginang Thanks for the reply. I guess I’ll just have to find another way around this obstacle…</p>

<p>have you considered taking the first test in the other city?
you’d have to pay an extra 86, but it may be worth it…</p>

<p>@thepotato I wish it were as easy as that. My city doesn’t have any school or place that offers AP exams. The exam I will be taking at my school in the afternoon is vital for my graduation, and I can’t reschedule it. The nearest place that AP Services could find for me is the other city, and that’s two hours by train, not counting time it takes to get to the station. <em>Sigh</em></p>

<p>I know the CB might not always accommodate for this situation, but perhaps you contact them to see if you could take the late exam?</p>

<p>what i said was: try to take the morning exam in the faraway city as well.</p>

<p>@thepotato Yes, sorry I didn’t answer clearly. Since the exams are tied to my graduation, they can only be taken at where I attended high school…</p>

<p>@gaginang I hinted at it to the other city’s AP coordinator, but his attitude was kinda like “this is the times, take it or leave it…”</p>

<p>If you have to rush from a morning exam to an afternoon exam between schools, aren’t you allowed a make-up exam?</p>

<p>It seems irrational for them to expect you to take one exam in the morning and rush to the next elsewhere.</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree with Bassir. Perhaps you could simply request it, rather than hint at it so they can understand the urgency, rather than what may sound like a petty complaint.</p>