Happy Winter Break

<p>Hope everyone made it home safely. Looks like today is the last travel day. S had a little drama with the connection, but easily made it after all. His luggage did not, so waiting for that to be delivered today. At least it looks like there were no big weather issues to contend with across the US for our long distance travelers. </p>

<p>Happy to have him home, I’m sure he will sleep a lot in the coming days as it was a long exam week. His exams went well so he is feeling good about that.</p>

<p>Younger son came home late last night. Glad to have him home!! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Idinct…glad to hear that your son’s exams went well. S2 is reporting the same. (thank goodness!)</p>

<p>Went shopping the other day to load up on “kid food”…milk, cereal, milk, oj, milk, bread, milk, tortillas, milk, cheese, and more milk.</p>

<p>DD drove home yesterday… 11 1/2 hours but the weather cooperated (except for rain up 13). She also reports exams went well. She is the first of our 4 to arrive with the rest trickling in next week and all home by the night of the 23rd. We are off tonight to watch Bama take on K-State at the Sprint Center…Roll Tide and Happy Holidays to all!!!</p>

<p>My son called me to report that exams were over Friday morning, and he planned to spend the rest of his day cleaning and packing. He and a roommate are in Nashville tonight (visiting friends) before heading to Birmingham in the morning. Then, he begins a 30-hour journey to American Samoa to see his summer internship site. He will not return to Birmingham until Christmas Eve before heading our way. BTW, it’s 85 degrees most days in American Samoa. Lucky kid. It’s chilly in Virginia.</p>

<p>M2CK: Cereal is a regular food in our house. We have a HS sophomore who is bottomless. We cannot keep enough boxes in the house.</p>

<p>Cereal is normally a regular food in our house…where there are kids in the house. When it’s just H and me, then it’s really only oatmeal.</p>

<p>Three more hours till D’s plane lands. Can’t wait to see her!!! Hope everyone has a very happy holidays and gets a chance to spend some quality time with their kids!!</p>

<p>Mele Kalikimaka and big ROLL TIDE to all!!</p>

<p>DS just arrived in good ole SW Virginia!!! ROLL TIDE!!! He hasn’t been home since August. Also feels good about exams. Gonna be a great holiday!</p>

<p>DD arrived back in Pa last night. Exams went well! She planned on sleeping for 24 hours, but decided to go to church this morning. Lots of people want to see her again!</p>

<p>Glad to hear that everyone’s chicks are making it home to their nests safely. Picked up D1 on Friday; made sure to spend a little time in the Supe Store before we left ;)</p>

<p>momreads: I think your son has more stamps in his passport in the past 9 months than I have in my entire lifetime! Safe travels!</p>

<p>Picked up son from the airport yesterday; we’re so glad to have him home!! Apparently the 9am Sat. airport shuttle broke down briefly but was able to continue the trip. The bus was packed, kids were standing, but he was glad to find a place to sit on the floor. On our end, roads were icy on the way home from the airport.</p>

<p>He woke up briefly to attend Mass with us this morning then went straight back to bed. Hope he catches up on sleep before we’re off to Asia for the holidays and coming back shortly before school starts. It won’t be much of a down time for him, I’m afraid.</p>

<p>Merry Christmas to all and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Got back from Tuscaloosa on Sunday afternoon. Very glad we decided to pick up D instead of flying. The only flight she would have been able to take (without waiting in the airport for many hours) would have probably been missed as the shuttle broke down on Sat morning (according to sophocles). </p>

<p>First thing we did when we got back was order Chinese food! It is really good to have her back for three weeks!!</p>

<p>Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!!</p>

<p>Merry Merry and Happy New Year to ALL!!! So glad to have D home! Roll Tide!!!</p>


<p>Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah (which I think begins tonight), and Happy New Year to all.</p>