Hardest and Easiest IB Subjects?

A lot of this depends on your school and what you’re good at/ interested in. For example, I may find Music HL to be a very difficult class, but someone well versd in music theory will probably find it easier.

English HL/SL - Lots of writing, not too difficult
Latin HL/SL- HL foreign language is typically difficult, SL isn’t nearly as bad
History (Americas) HL/SL-Lots of writing and memorization.
Biology, Chemistry, Physics HL/SL - Physics HL is especially difficult. In general HL sciences are among the most difficult IB classes.
Math Studies SL - very easy
Math SL- easy if you’re good at math or already have a background in calculus.
Math HL - one of the most difficult IB classes
Music HL/SL- difficult if you don’t have a background in music
Theatre HL/SL- difficult from what I’ve heard
Environmental Systems & Societies HL/SL - reasonably easy
ITGS - unsure.

To jump in and offer some info about IB Art and IB Film:

IB Art HL/SL-- difference between work required for HL & SL is negligible. the comparative study is a killer—if you like to create art the majority of your grade comes from your process portfolio/comparative study which focus more on art history/study of how art is made than your actual work. however, if you can do a lot of writing on art in addition to your actual art, it’s manageable.

IB Film HL/SL—pretty easy—independent study requires some time, but the oral & final film are p. basic

Hi, I agree with what most people said over here besides ESS. ESS in my opinion is not an easy subject and requires hard work. Of course, many other subjects such as Maths HL are tougher, but no, ESS is not a party class ( at least if you wish to attain grade point 7). This is the case in our school atleast since our teacher gives us super tough stuff in ESS also. I am getting a 7 in all my subjects including maths HL, but I am only at a 6 in ESS and English A: lang lit SL.

I question why your are looking at whats easiest instead of what right for your future? For a cardiologist I would suggest putting things like math and sciences as your HL’s and not English/History/Theatre. Look at what can really be helpful to you.