Help! IB subject choice


<p>I am planning to take </p>

IB Chemistry
IB English B
IB Korean A</p>

IB Biology
IB Business and management
IB Math</p>

<p>Will UK universities accept these subjects for medicine?
Are my choices difficult?</p>

<p>For medicine, you really want to have both Chem and Bio at HL.</p>

<p>With regards to your question on subject difficulty, languages are the easiest as far HLs go and sciences are the hardest. Chem and Bio have both wide and demanding syllabi. If you are good in math and have a background in calculus, SL math will be easy. B&M is a tricky one, the syllabus is wide but not too difficult (note that some UK UNIs don’t think that B&M is a proper subject, especially at SL). I hope this answered your question.</p>

<p>do us or canadian universities regard business and management as a proper subject?
(I’m taking it at HL)</p>

I don’t know about US or Canadian universities. All I know is that some in the UK.</p>