Hardest and Easiest IB Subjects?

<p>Hello, I am in the IB Program at my school. I plan on being a Cardiologist. I would like to know which subjects are the easiest and hardest to take. My school offers these courses:
English HL/SL
Latin HL/SL
History (Americas) HL/SL
Biology, Chemistry, Physics HL/SL
Math Studies SL
Math SL
Math HL
Music HL/SL
Theatre HL/SL
Environmental Systems & Societies HL/SL

<p>Physics HL - THE most difficult subject ever at the high school level.
Chemistry HL/SL - Easy
Biology HL - My friends tell me it’s not too hard for them, just a huge syllabus.</p>

<p>English HL - wayy too many books to read, take English SL (much more manageable).
Math HL - Difficult, but if you already know a lot of the stuff already (eg: Integration, Differentiation) it’s not too hard.
Music HL/SL - Difficult from what I hear unless you’re reallyyy good at theory.</p>

<p>History HL/SL - Easy if you enjoy it
Math SL/Studies - Very Easy</p>

<p>ITGS - Easiest subject ever.
ESS - It’s like a joke basically.</p>

<p>How hard an IB course is also depends a lot on the school. I’d ask some older students at your school about how things are specifically at your school.</p>

<p>My school is in the top 20 ranked by the US News.
@Truust- I have to take English HL… Its a basic given.
I was planning to take English/History/Theatre HL, Math Studies/Chemistry/Latin SL</p>

<p>HL English = Lots of work but not hard.
HL History = Lots of information
Biology is just lots of information
Math SL depends on the person. If you’re a good math student and easily make A’s in math then it’s not easy but not ridiculously hard. But HL, is like for the top students in math, the people that will end up in some math related field. You also have to think about your papers at the end, the tests are completely different. And Math Studies is for people that math does not compute at all.
Music, basically have perfect pitch and know music very well from what I’ve heard.</p>

<p>If you’re ever unsure, you could always ask a teacher to borrow the textbook, and/or some packets and browse through them.</p>

<p>English HL/SL - very dependent on your teacher. Most students consider this one of the hardest classes…but it isn’t optional for the full diploma, lol.
Latin HL/SL - no idea
History (Americas) HL/SL - lots of work, but not difficult if you can take good notes, and write decent essays
Biology, Chemistry, Physics HL/SL - if you like science and are decent at math, these shouldn’t be too hard
Math Studies SL - a joke
Math SL - easier than AB calculus, whatever that might mean
Math HL - the class is legit but easier than MVC, the exam is the hardest in IB
Music HL/SL - no idea
Theatre HL/SL - no idea
Environmental Systems & Societies HL/SL - heard that it was a party class, but again, depends on the teacher
ITGS - no idea</p>

<p>My school only offered English HL. It was definitely the “weeder” class for the diploma program. Our teacher was the harshest grader in the entire school, and there’s no way you could escape that class if you wanted to do the diploma; there were alternatives for everything else. It was brutal… but by the time we got to the actual IB exam, it was loads easier than the class, and I was over-prepared for essay-writing in college.</p>

<p>It really depends on your school and your teachers. I know at my school the classes are generally significantly harder than the tests themselves which is why we havy 100% pass rate in almost all those classes. I’ve heard Math SL and Math Studies are jokes though. I’m in IB Bio HL is not that bad, but I took AP Bio last year and Bio freshman year. IB English HL doesn’t seem too bad either. My teacher said that after taking AP Lit we could all probably pass the exam as of this current moment and we’re only 3 weeks into school.</p>

<p>What about Psychology?</p>

<p>For my IB psych, at least, most of the work came with the first year (SL) part. The second year for HL was only covering 2 more options, refining our experiments, and doing some statistical analysis. For some reason they were really harsh on the grading that year, though; I was predicted to get a 7 and ended up with a 5. The also dropped my internal assessment grade from 25/25 to 15/25. Kind of brutal. But I got my diploma and got credit for the course, so it all worked out.
I really loved IB Psych, and it’s what made me decide to major in neuroscience. The curriculum changed the year after I took it, though, and it’s hard to say what of my experience resulted from my teachers vs. IB-ness.</p>

<p>Hardest: Math hl, but it’s not entirely difficult, just a lot of concepts and reasoning</p>

<p>Easiest: math studies, that class is a joke. It’s for 5th graders </p>

<p>English is also pretty easy. It’s all about perception in poetry and prose reading.</p>

<p>IB Latin HL: by far the hardest langauge course you may ever take</p>

Isn’t AP Physics C harder than IB Physics HL?</p>

<p>Group 6 HL - do not bother unless you are (truly, grade-sacrificially-willingly) passionate about it.</p>

<p>This is definitely a subjective question. My easiest IB classes are History of the Americas & English. My hardest is Spanish. No surprise since I enjoy the classes that are my easiest the most.</p>

<p>I’d say my hardest class is english literature - I don’t suck at English, I just detest the subject and wish I wasn’t being forced into it! It’s really hard to put my all into my work, oh well. </p>

<p>My easiest classes are definitely higher level economics and spanish ab initio. Psychology isn’t particularly hard either. </p>

<p>Definitely take music SL unless you have taken at least 2 music theory courses before. History and English HL aren’t super hard. They have always been my least favorite subjects but I’m taking HL in both and doing well. Just be prepared for a lot of notes in History lol. I’m in Physics HL and Math SL (not studies) and neither is hard but I’ve always been good at math. </p>

<p>Definitely take music SL unless you have taken at least 2 music theory courses before. History and English HL aren’t super hard. They have always been my least favorite subjects but I’m taking HL in both and doing well. Just be prepared for a lot of notes in History lol. I’m in Physics HL and Math SL (not studies) and neither is hard but I’ve always been good at math. </p>

so you think economics HL or IT HL ?? whch is easier ?

Okay, most of these answers are purely because of my school. If you want a more subjective view, you should look at the IB Test score stats for each class.

English HL- Hard, but not that hard.
English SL- This is actually our regular English class at my school. Easiest IB class.

Latin HL/SL- We don’t have HL, but from what I hear from classmates, SL is easy.

History (Americas) HL/SL- Easy. Barely enough kids to fill a classroom apply for this class, so teachers are trying to butter them up so more people apply.

Biology, Chemistry, Physics HL/SL
Physics HL/SL- at both levels, hardest IB course. (This will probably be true in every school. Although actually, the IB Physics SL class was easy due to the fact that my teacher was bad, so all the tests were easy. Rare occurrence.)
Biology- Ehhh. No one said it was easy, but no one said it was insanely hard either.

Math Studies SL- Easiest “advanced” math course to ever be offered at the high school level. (This seems to be true in all schools)
Math SL- Based on my readings of the textbook, not too bad. Not any harder than Pre-Calculus.
Math HL- People say it’s hard.

Music SL- I can’t sing, and I’m in IB Choir SL simply because I refuse to double up on higher-level sciences. Easy, my choir teacher admitted it was exactly like regular Choir but with solo tests instead of group tests.

Music HL- My school doesn’t offer this.
Theatre HL/SL- My school doesn’t offer it.

Environmental Systems SL - Easiest science course, seems to be universal at all schools
Environmental Systems HL- Not offered

ITGS- What is this